Monday, September 7, 2009

40 Weeks - Happy Non-Labor Day!

All About Us

I spoke to my mom this morning and she was disappointed to have logged onto her Internet in anticipation of reading the weekly blog only to have found no updates. I asked her, "How does it feel to expect something on a certain day and not get it?" Not that I didn't do the blog yesterday to spite anyone, but I honestly just didn't feel up to it. This Labor Day is turning out to be not so much of a picnic. And yes, I'm whiny and grumpy and all the other adjectives you can come up with to describe a woman who has gone past her due date. I know, I know I can hear what's going through all of your heads right now, "It's only been a day past," and "She'll come when she's ready." Believe me, I have heard it all. Just take a step back and think of something that you have been looking forward to for 40 weeks - 4o WEEKS - and then it does not happen. It's extremely disappointing, isn't it? And let us add into the mix the constant pain and pressure, the utter exhaustion, and the emotional roller-coaster. Jason and I were convinced that this little girl was going to be in our arms early and instead she will be late. Jason asked me if I had a feeling that she would come this week and I said I honestly do not know anymore. All of my instincts and feelings have been wrong this entire pregnancy - I didn't think I was pregnant at first, I thought for sure Lidia was a boy, and I thought she would arrive early. I hope my mothering instincts are a lot better than these instincts have been.

I think the most frustrating part of this whole thing is that there is no straight answer to anything regarding the time-frame of labor. I have researched the Internet high and low on typical pregnancies and labor. While there is a set standard, there are many variations. Yes, 50% of women go past their due date, but why? Why do 50% of women deliver before their due date? There is no answer to that. And of the 50% that go after their due date, how long after do they go? Does labor happen naturally or do most of these women end up getting induced? Which is better, to induce at 41 weeks or to go to past that point? There are so many unanswered questions out there, which is why I can only put my faith in the good Lord above. I can only pray furiously that this baby will arrive before our scheduled induction on September 13th. This scheduled induction is another factor that has got us in a frenzy. Many women are induced - my mom was with me, Jason's mom was. It's not that I don't want to be induced but it seems like a week is too soon. Jason and I may talk our doctor into giving Lidia a couple more days. My body has been able to house and nurture this healthy, amazing baby so far, I just feel like we're giving up on it by inducing so early. Don't get me wrong, I am ready to meet my baby girl! But if we are going to play God here and pick her birthday, I'd rather give her and my body more time to make it happen naturally. Then, if it doesn't happen, juice me up with as much Pitocin as needed.

And yes, the Pitocin would completely ruin our plan of an unmedicated birth so I will be disappointed. I told Jason that I want to be able to say that I did everything humanly possible in this pregnancy, labor, and delivery to produce a healthy baby. I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to our babies - just look at how I am with our dogs! So of course nothing less should be expected of me when it comes to our own baby. This plan of ours has a little bit to do with us and everything to do with Lidia. If a doctor could tell us that in no way, shape, or form would the medication affect our baby, we would be all for it. Bring on the Pitocin and Epidural, please! But that cannot be guaranteed, so here we stand in ambivalence land.

So, Jason and I will both return to work tomorrow and go on as we have been for the past 40 weeks. Just know that we will not be completely 100% happy until this little one is safely in our arms.

You're Done Cooking!

Hey pretty lady, the timer went off yesterday, didn't you hear it? It's time for you to come out! Yes, mommy is a bit grumpy lately but it is certainly not your fault and I do not hold it against you. Mommy has been doing all kinds of things to urge you out, but for some reason mommy's body is not catching on. Right now it is so cute - you are moving all around and Ava has her head on my tummy just sleeping away, despite being jostled by you. You are going to be the most amazing baby, your daddy and I just know it. It is obvious that mommy cannot wait to meet you, since I am the one who writes the blog every week. But your daddy is just as excited. Everyday he talks to you and tells you how much he loves you and how he cannot wait to hold and kiss you. I want you to know that you are the topic of most of our discussions and we daydream about you all day long. I think that is what makes this waiting game so hard - because we are just so gosh darn anxious to see your beautiful face! We have got the cutest outfit planned for your first trip home. One thing I know for sure is that you will be the most stylish little baby around!

Well, now is the time for your daddy and I to take our 3 mile journey filled with hills to hopefully get you in the right position. If it's one thing I'm sure of, we will definitely be seeing you next week, if not sooner! We love you baby girl!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

39 Weeks and No Baby Yet!

All About Us

This week has been one of the most normal weeks we have had to date. Jason and I kept busy at our respective jobs and spent most every night going on our 2 mile walk. We had a very successful doctors appointment in which we found out I have gained 29 pounds so far in this pregnancy. The normal range is 25-30 pounds, so I am pretty content. Let's hope that there is no more weight gain in these last days! Also, we found out that my blood pressure is slightly elevated, which is completely normal for this stage in pregnancy. I am a little more closer to being 2 cm dilated and I am now 50% effaced. The doctor stated that I had a "perfect" pelvis, so hopefully that means Lidia will just slide out of me like a torpedo! She also commented on my great skin and said I must have good genes to not have gotten any stretch marks. I am extremely surprised by this because I feel like my skin has been stretched to the ultimate max and I certainly haven't been doing anything to prevent stretch marks. Score one for me for avoidance of annoying pregnancy symptoms! It is getting extremely hard for me to walk these days, especially since I over-did it yesterday with a 3 mile walk and a day full of cleaning. I almost cried each time I had to get up and walk. I have been holding onto Jason's arm so tightly lately that I think he is going to have bruises before this is all said and done! I had deemed today a bed rest day, but after talking to my sister, I felt that the best thing I could do for me and Lidia was to keep moving. So Jason and I decided to check out the new outlet mall in Cincinnati which was so totally awesome. If anyone would like to come down and visit, I would LOVE to take you to these new outlets - they have everything! I especially enjoyed the Polo store where they had the cutest little Polo outfits for babies. Lidia will definitely be getting some once she is here!

And how could we forget to mention our baby boy's 4th birthday? He sure enjoyed his jr. hamburger cake!

As you can tell, we are just patiently waiting for our little lady to arrive. We are trying to live as normal a life as possible so we do not get overly anxious. Throughout pregnancy, many statistics were thrown my way. As I near the end of this pregnancy, I am hoping not to be in the 50% that deliver after their due date and in the 20% that need to be induced. So to avoid these two statistics, Jason and I have been doing everything under the sun. From walking, to massaging pressure points, to eating pineapple and spicy foods, and to some unmentionable things, we are all for urging the labor process on. I really hope to not be writing a 40 weeks blog next week, but as the date gets closer I am having my doubts. I have had every single labor sign that a woman could have, minus the painful contractions. And until those lovely baby-movers arrive, we are stuck here in pregnancy land indefinitely. A frustrating time, but through this frustration I have thought of another list. The top 10 things I will miss about pregnancy and the top 10 things I will not miss.

The Top 10 Things I Will Miss About Pregnancy

10. Having the excuse, "I'm pregnant" work for about anything I don't want to or can't do.
9. Having an excuse to eat ice cream everyday (and I do, just ask Jason).
8. Having an excuse to eat anything I want.
7. Wasting away parts of my work day with coworkers that want to talk babies and pregnancy.
6. Wearing my cute maternity clothes - I think they are much cuter than my non-pregnancy clothes!
5. Going to the doctor - I really enjoy those check-ups!
4. Sleeping as much as I want to.
3. Feeling Lidia move.
2. Getting daily massages from my hubby
1. Having everyday be "Bring your child to work day"

The Top 10 Things I Will NOT Miss About Being Pregnant

10. Constipation.
9. The aches and pains.
8. The constant weight gain.
7. People constantly asking me baby questions.
6. People constantly giving me their opinions without being asked.
5. Not being able to indulge in an adult beverage every now and then.
4. Not being able to lay on my back or stomach.
3. Having to seriously think about everything I am putting into my body.
2. Constantly worrying about Lidia since I cannot see or hear her.
1. Not being able to run!

Baby Come Out!

Hi sweet Lidia. There is not much going on with you as far as development is concerned. Of course, your brain is growing as rapidly as ever. Your weight gain has begun to slow and you shouldn't have any languo (fuzzy hair all over your body) or vernix (a cheesy coating that kept your skin safe from the amniotic fluid) left on your body when you arrive. Speaking of your arrival, your daddy and I just cannot wait for you to get here! I just read where there is a chemical in your brain that will actually set off the hormones in my body that trigger labor. You must just really love it in that cozy place- I don't think you have plans of leaving the Uterine Hotel anytime soon. We want a happy baby, so come as you please my dear. Just know we will be waiting with open, loving arms when you finally decide to arrive!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

38 Weeks - Surprise!

All About Us - Turn up your volume for this video:)

I am very surprised to be writing this blog tonight. Last night around this time, I was for sure that Lidia was trying to make her debut into this world. Jason and I decided to use one of our last Saturdays as just the two of us as a date night. We had the whole night planned - movie, dinner, and a Girl Scout cookie blizzard from Dairy Queen. The movie we chose was The Hangover - very crude, but very funny. During the movie, I was getting the traditional Braxton-Hicks contractions that I have had since about week 20 of this pregnancy. I thought nothing of them until they started coming more furiously. At around 6:30, I decided to start timing them. They were lasting about a minute long and coming at various frequencies, but never more than 5 minutes apart. I alerted Jason of the contractions and his eyes showed a little bit of panic. I reassured him that I was OK for the time being. I decided to wait until after the movie and then assess the situation. The contractions were still coming steady after the movie, so we decided to go home. After sitting at home for another hour with the contractions not easing up, it started to get extremely real to us that we could be having a baby in the next couple of hours. So we went upstairs to make sure our bag was packed with everything we needed. I called my parents to put them on alert and Jason called his sister Terri to put her on alert. So we sat and waited for the contractions to start hurting, but they never did. We were so excited and really couldn't believe that this could actually be it - our baby girl was about to be in our arms!

About 3 hours into it, I decided to call the doctor. I thought if it was false labor, the contractions would have subsided by then and they wouldn't have been so timeable. The doctor called me back and is quoted as saying, "Your message is cracking me up!" She said I was way too calm for a woman who was in labor. I had let her know in the message that I was not in pain, but the contractions were coming at regular intervals for quite some time. She said that until they get painful and until I'm no longer able to talk through them, then I didn't need to think about coming to the hospital. She said it could be 12 hours to many days until I went into active labor. She instructed me to get some sleep and that's exactly what I tried to do. After 5 straight hours of consistent contractions, I went to bed. I didn't necessarily wake up to them in the night, but I did wake up a lot due to a lower back ache. This morning I could tell that the contractions had subsided. Throughout the day today they have still been coming, but with frequency with which I am familiar. At mass today, Jason asked me if I was feeling OK and I frowned and said "Yes, but I wish I was feeling miserable." Needless to say, Lidia is not ready for this world quite yet. We will keep praying for her speedy arrival, as well as continuing our 2 mile daily walks to guide her into position. We will continue to live our lives as normal. After all, it's up to God when Lidia will arrive...which will hopefully be soon!

Playing Games

You seem to be unfazed with all the squishing mommy's uterus has been putting you through in the past 24 hours. You are still moving like crazy and playing your games with mommy's ribs and bladder. You will be happy to know that mommy and daddy finished our 7 weeks of childbirth classes this past week, so we are totally prepared for you to come now. At our last doctor's appointment, the dr. informed us that there was no change in your progression into this world - mommy is still 1 1/2 cm dilated and 25% effaced. If we make it to Thursday's appointment, I have a feeling we might see a little more progress due to all the activity this weekend.

According to all the books, you are about 7 pounds now, which contradicts what one doctor has predicted - that you will only be around 7 pounds if you are to make it to 40 weeks. You do seem like a pretty small baby, which I don't quite understand because I have always done well to feed you. It could be because mommy has been quite active during this pregnancy, which supposedly leads to smaller babies. The smaller, the better to push you out my dear!

Well, Lidia, we may see you soon or we may not see you for another 2 weeks. No matter when it will be, it will still be the absolute best day of our lives. We love you!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

37 Weeks = Full Term Baby!

All About Us

As we near the end of this journey, I have a need to look back on everything that we have been through. There have been close to 40 blogs written, each documented the many lessons learned. At the start of this pregnancy, I was a blank slate. Having taken many child development classes in the past, no book or lecture could have prepared me for what I was about to go through for the next 9 months. Of the lessons learned, I compiled a list of the 10 most important lessons learned:

10) Not all pregnancy symptoms are by the book. My first clues to being pregnant were menstrual cramps and massive headaches - none of which were on the list of early pregnancy symptoms. Always trust your instincts over what a book may tell you.

9) Always eat. No matter how sick I was in the first trimester, I always ate. Whether it was watermelon, White Cheddar Cheez-Its, or toast, my body needed food. I learned to eat whatever sounded "OK." Even though it didn't make me feel better, I think it at least made it so I didn't feel worse.

8) Don't be afraid to exercise. I was, at first. If you read the books, they will all tell you to exercise, but with certain restrictions. I was healthy, so there was no need for me to exercise with restrictions. I listened to my body and my body said keep going, so go I did. I strongly believe that is why I have been able to stay within a healthy pregnancy weight gain (we all know I haven't been shy with the ice cream and cake (and pizza, and french fries, and..!).

7) Look forward to dates. Having different activities going on throughout my pregnancy helped break up the time so I didn't go absolutely crazy. I would highly recommend planning at least one new activity every week.

6) Don't compare yourself to other pregnant women. Even though my sister is at about the same stage in pregnancy I am, our pregnancies have been very different. You would think sisters would have equal pregnancy symptoms due to the genetic link, but that is not true. My pregnancy is my own - very unique and individual.

5) Don't be afraid to call the doctor. I never wanted to be one of those women whose doctors' office secretaries cringed whenever they heard who was calling. But it was amazing what fears were non-existent when the need to protect my baby came into the picture. I learned to adopt the attitude of "who cares what others think," which in turn gave me piece of mind. While I have only called the doctor's office with questions 5 times during my pregnancy, I may have never if I let my pride get in the way.

4) You don't have to take other people's advice. Becoming pregnant, I realized that many people wanted to become my OB as they dispensed medical advice like they had a M.D. behind their name. From the dental hygienist who told me that I was killing my baby's brain cells by drinking diet pop, to the many people who try to convince me to give birth with medication, I have realized that the only thing they are dispensing is their opinions. People will voice their opinions whether you ask or not. I have learned to smile and nod, except in the case of the dental hygienist. There's only so far I let people go with their opinions. Then it is my responsibility to stick up for myself and my baby.

3) Pamper yourself. Pedicures, massages, shopping sprees. All these were needed to reward myself for being completely selfless for 9 straight months.

2) Eat nutritiously. Yes, I have blizzards and McFlurrys. But, I always make sure I have my daily servings of fruit, vegetables, protein and carbs. It's not just my health I'm worried about - it's my baby's health. Everything I put in my mouth goes to her. So while she may get a sugar rush, she's also getting the good stuff, too. And crazy as it is, I have never been this healthy in my entire life. I have had 1 sickness this entire pregnancy when usually I am sick close to 5 times a year. My parents can affirm that!

1) I wouldn't have had such a smooth pregnancy without my support person. Jason, my husband, has been an absolute angel throughout this entire pregnancy. He has been present for nearly every dr's appointment and every birthing class. He has given me massages just about every single night. He doesn't do everything I ask him to - he senses what I need and does it without me even asking. I truly believe that he has such a pure and holy soul. I have never met anyone as caring and selfless as he. We all know how much I adore this man!

All in all, I believe I have had a very smooth pregnancy. Jason and I have savored every moment - from the very first positive pregnancy test, to the first ultrasound, to our baby bash. This pregnancy has been a life-altering experience for us in more ways than one. My blank slate is now filled with information to bring with me to my next pregnancy...and the one after that...and the one after that:)

Our Little Italian Bun!

You're almost done cookin' baby girl! I cannot believe that we are already at this point where you can be born and considered full-term. We had an amazing doctor's appointment this past week. The Dr. let your daddy and I know that you are very close to making your arrival. Mommy is 1 1/2 cm dilated and 25% effaced. You are still head down, thank God! The doctor estimated that if you were to go to 40 weeks, you wouldn't be more than 7 pounds. This is good news to us, as it means that labor and delivery won't be as difficult. The term no pain, no gain has taken on a whole new meaning for us. I actually want to be completely miserable with labor and delivery - that is how nature intended it! It will make seeing and holding you for the first time that much better.

I am still amazed at how much you are moving and growing. Your lungs are now completely mature. So apparently it is up to you now when you want to arrive. Mommy would prefer you come very soon, but you come when you're ready dear. Mommy is not really happy with the 2 people who voted that you will be a week late. Don't make me wait that long! Your daddy and I are so excited to meet you, we almost can't take it anymore. Until then, we will be here cleaning and biding time. Will there be a 38 Weeks blog next week? It's not so certain anymore!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

36 Weeks - The Beginning of the End

All About Us

We have some very exciting news to share - Lidia has a new cousin! Brandon Michael Schneider was born on August 4, weighing in at 5 lbs, 7 oz and measuring 19 inches. Despite his early arrival, Brandon is doing marvelous! Congratulations to the proud parents, Erin & Brian, and big brother Kyle. We hope to see pictures very soon!

The bigger I get, the harder I fall. Yes, I fell again this week. Thankfully, the healing process took 3 days and not 3 weeks, so it obviously wasn't as big of a fall as the first one. It was a bit more embarrassing, being that it happened in front of 50 college students taking an ACT. They all just stared at me and I picked myself up and announced that I was OK. And of course, Lidia was OK. This is beginning to be a common occurrence for her - something that she is used to by now, sadly!

Has it hit us that in 4 weeks or less we will be parents? I don't think it has. We are more than prepared for Lidia's arrival and I have confidence that Jason and I are definitely ready to be parents. But, I just don't think it has hit us yet that we are actually going to be parents in less than 30 days. One thing my confidence is shaky on is the actual labor and delivery itself. I have no doubt that I can handle the level of pain, it's just the duration of the pain that worries me. Jason and I plan on staying at home as long as possible during labor. When I am no longer able to talk or walk through the contractions, that will be a good indication that it's hospital time. We are doing everything in our power to prepare for the labor and delivery, but since it is something we have ever experienced before, it's just so hard to have complete confidence that I will be able to manage without medication. The reality is that 95% of women have medicated births. Its hard to believe that I can be in the 5% that is able to go unmedicated. Please pray for me! The first reading at mass definitely spoke to Jason and I today. Basically, when I think that I have had enough, that I can't take anymore, the Lord just wants me to take a break, drink some water, relax, and then get back to work. That reading will be my inspiration!

Last, but not least, Saturday was dedicated to our babies, Ava and Angelo. It was their favorite day of the year - the Wiener Nationals! This is their 2nd year of running in the race, with many more to come, I'm sure. No, they didn't win their race, but they sure had fun trying. Their Aunt Terri and Uncle Dave came to help with the pictures and the "holding" of Ava, since Jason could only hold Angelo. They sprinted out pretty fast, but slowed down as they got towards the end. It was definitely the hottest, most humid day of the summer, so they were understandably exhausted before we even got to the starting line. Mommy was struggling as well! Being 36 weeks pregnant outside on a heat advisory day for 3 hours is no walk in the park. But we are so happy that we got to give the pups this experience.

Peek-A-Boo, I See You!

Hello my dear! Let me first say that Daddy has obviously been there with us throughout this whole pregnancy. He has been to every single one of our doctor's appointments, even the unscheduled ones, which is probably close to 12 or so. We had another appointment this past Friday and Daddy decided to play golf instead of attend this appointment. There is no need to be upset about this, though, because we got him back in the end! It was very busy at the doctor's office and they had to put me in the ultrasound room. When the doctor walked in, she said, "Well since we are in here, lets take a peak at the baby." I got to see you again! You are doing so fabulously in there - you are in a perfect birth position (head down, of course), your heart is beating strong, and you've got a great amount of amniotic fluid for swimming. I also got to see your beautiful face. It wasn't as clear as our 3D photos of you, but it was just as sweet. I just love you so much! The doctor said that if I happened to go into labor soon, she would not try to stop it. She said if you were born soon, you would be just as healthy and would probably even be able to go home with us. So you can guess how upset your daddy was when he learned what he had missed! He made me tell him every detail about the visit. Something tells me he won't pick golf over us anymore:)

You are almost 100% ready to enter into the real world. You've got about 1 1/2 to 2 lbs left to gain and your lungs have a little more maturing to do. You are moving around as usual in my tummy, which I always enjoy. I am guessing that you haven't dropped yet, but that is to be expected. The pressure that your growing body is putting on my pelvic area is sometimes unbearable - I have to stop and just take deep breaths. The positive thing about this is that I know it is one of the tell-tale signs of the end. And it's not really an end, per say, but the beginning of something extremely remarkable and exciting- the start of our life with you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

35 Weeks of Pure Joy!

All About Us

Well, folks, the end is definitely in sight. Something that signified the closing of this journey was the extremely successful baby bash we had last night. While it was sad that it was missing my siblings, the friends and family that did attend made up for their absence. Everyone who attended deserves a HUGE thank you - many people traveled from afar to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Lidia Louise. And many people spent much of their time, energy, thoughts, and money on making this party one for us to remember forever. Lidia was showered with many presents and many well wishes. We really feel extremely blessed to have such great friends and family who have provided us with so much to make our start with Lidia as smooth and stress-free as possible. Plus, with all the great clothes she has received, she will definitely be one stylin' little lady!

Aside from the fabulous time we had at the baby bash, our week has been filled with surprises and not necessarily good ones. Lidia's other cousin (who is due to arrive around the same time she is) decided to try and get out a little early. Luckily, the doctors were able to stop this from happening and both mommy and baby are resting safely at home. Our prayers were answered yet again! These babies seem to want to race to see who is going to arrive first, but what they don't realize is that this is not a fun game for their mommies and daddies! Listen up babies, you all 3 need to stay in your respective ovns until it is time for you to arrive!

Speaking of misbehaving babies, Lidia decided to scare us this week as well. Tonight as I sit here, Lidia has been moving non-stop for the last 3 hours. Last Thursday and into Friday, Lidia decided to hide out for awhile and not move much at all. This caused me and Jason to be very worried, so off we went to the Doctor's office. They hooked me up to a non-stress test and little Lidia moved about 15 times within 10 minutes. The doctor reassured us that as long as we felt 10 movements within an hour once a day, then our baby is perfectly fine. A little misinformation is what brought us there, but the doctor stated she was glad we came so we could have piece of mind. And what a piece of mind it is to know that our baby is perfectly healthy.

I Dream of Lidia

Wow. 5 more weeks and you will grace us with your presence for the first time. I have been dreaming about you a lot lately - more than I ever have this entire pregnancy. I try to concentrate on other life activities, but it is getting extremely difficult to think of anything but you. I feel so extremely blessed to be carrying the most beautiful baby ever and even more blessed knowing that you were made by two people who are over-the-top in love with one another. Your daddy and I worked all day putting all of your items together. I was so proud to watch him walk along, pushing the stroller and pretending you were in it. As nature puts its finishing touches on you, we are anxiously awaiting your arrival. Goodnight sweetheart, mommy and daddy love you dearly!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

34 Weeks - Vote for Lidia's Arrival Date to the Left!

All About Us

I'm naked! No, it's not what you think. I am pretty sure I can no longer wear my wedding rings. I wasn't able to fit them on comfortably all day today. When I squeezed them on, it was extremely difficult to get them off. I'm not sure if I like the idea of going the next 6 weeks without my rings. I may have to go purchase a cheap ring somewhere just to wear in the mean time. I will try again tomorrow, but I'm not very hopeful. My toes also look like Vienna sausages. And I definitely can say I am now the proud owner of cankles. The swelling has begun!

Jason and I are sure glad this week is over. It has been one hectic day followed by another. We had a little scare on Tuesday and the doctor wanted to see us immediately to rule out pre-term labor. Everything checked out perfectly, though, so we are good to go! This little girl is getting bigger and bigger, which makes us very happy. The only bad thing about this is that I have to go potty constantly. At mass today, I had to use the bathroom twice. Speaking of going potty, I thought I might have had to go in a bottle in the car this week. Jason was nice enough to drive me to a national conference in Louisville, KY that I presented at this past Wednesday. On our way there, it took us 3 + hours when it should of only taken us 1 and 1/2. We were stopped in traffic two times for accidents. Luckily, we ended up getting there about 20 minutes before it was time for me to do my presentation, thank God! I knew that after this past Saturday was over, we would be smooth sailing for awhile. Jason and I both had to work - me, unfortunately for 11 hours. But no more Saturday work for me until I go back to work after Lidia is born - yay!

We're Ready!

Hi sweet pea. We are soooo ready for you! Look at your room - it's just waiting for you to arrive. And you will be happy to know that mommy read an extremely comforting article today that said babies born between 34 and 37 weeks will be just as healthy as full-term babies. These babies may need some extra time in the hospital and may have some minor health issues, but all in all they will be A. O.K.! Not to say that we'd want you to come sooner than 37 weeks, but if it would happen we can all rest assured that you will be just as perfect as ever. It's just so hard to believe that if you are to go full term, we only have 6 more weeks left to wait. 6 WEEKS!! Daddy keeps wanting to pack the suitcase for the hospital and I think I may actually let him now.

I really notice you noticing your surroundings lately. Angelo barked two times in the middle of the night last night and both times you moved your 5 1/2 pound frame all around. When me or daddy talk directly to you and rub my tummy, you move as well. I am so excited to get my hands on you and kiss you non-stop!

Here is a picture to show you what life will be like when you enter this world. We love to cuddle!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

33 Weeks - 7 To Go!

All About Us

How far along are you? When are you due? How long do you have left? Do you know what you're having? Do you have a name for her? Is your nursery done? Those are a few of the many questions that I have been asked in the last couple weeks, and questions that most pregnant women at this point will get. I am guessing these questions are more prevalent in this stage in pregnancy because it is OH so obvious that there is a baby in there. For those of you who haven't reached this point, I have one piece of advise - Answer all questions with a smile on your face :) Though this may seem easy to do, as us pregnant ladies are always willing to take time out to talk about our babies, after the fifth time a question is asked in a day it gets to be a little too much. When you're in a job where you encounter many different people each day, chances are you will be asked these questions over and over again. The askers of these questions expect you to smile and gush over the fact that they are taking time to notice you and your "condition." So please, give the people what they want. If not, they may talk behind your back about how the pregnancy "hormones" must be getting to you. Or, you may choose to use humor in these situations by answering the question, "How far along are you?" with "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about." My favorite was when a worker at Subway asked me "How long?" and I replied by saying, "A foot long, please." Apparently, he wasn't inquiring about my sub size, but my tummy size.
Honeydew List

Your list of amazing acts inside the womb is getting longer and longer. You have recently grown quite fond of hiccuping at least once a day. This is so neat to feel! Sometimes you hiccup so hard that I think it startles you and you move all around. Speaking of moving, your increasing growth has not slowed down your movement in the least. I cannot believe that you are nearly 5 pounds! You move around for hours at a time, many times a day. Every time you move around, it makes me the happiest person on this earth. Your movement alone is enough to make what could be a horrible day an especially pleasant one. And I'm not the only one who benefits from your movement - daddy does as well. When he talks to you and puts his hand on my tummy, you move around like crazy. I can tell that you are already a daddy's girl! I can't determine right now if you are head up or head down, but I will be sure to ask the doctor this week. Just as long as you are head down around 36 weeks, your mommy and daddy will not worry.

Do you like to hear your fishie at night? Your great-grandma and great aunts got you this musical fish that your daddy and I absolutely love. We play it for you each night before we go to sleep. Hopefully it will be a very comforting sound to you when you enter this world.

Some very exciting news for you this week - you will be getting another cousin in March! Congratulations to Terri and Dave!!

Lidia Louise, how sweet it is to dream of you as your daddy and I do every second of everyday. Even without yet holding you in our arms, you make our hearts whole and our smiles never-ending. Goodnight my dear - I will feel you when we wake!

Friday, July 10, 2009

32 weeks = 8 MONTHS!

All About Us

I am going to spend the first paragraph of this blog merely praising God for answering my family's prayers this week. Because I believe that my sister would not appreciate much detail and attention to this situation, I am going to simply say thank you Lord for keeping Kristi and baby Venuti safe and sound. I am eagerly waiting to meet baby Venuti when he/she is scheduled to arrive!

Jason and I had a very baby related week. On Tuesday, we had our first childbirth class. We didn't talk about childbirth, though. The whole class was focused on mom and baby nutrition. Needless to say, I caught Jason dozing off a couple times. The most exciting part of the class was being able to see women who are at the same stage in pregnancy as I am. It is so neat to see how each woman carries her baby differently. And I found that many of these women had the same cravings as I do - spicy food, ice cream, cheese, and Trader Joe's Raisin Bran. We have 6 weeks of classes to go and Jason and I can't wait to get to the good stuff - preparation for childbirth!

We chose this series of classes because they are focused on those who are wanting to have an unmedicated birth. Being able to go through this experience without the use of induction drugs or an epidural would mean the world to me, Jason, and Lidia. It would be the single-most important goal we could ever meet. At our Doctor's appointment this week, I was able to talk to the Dr. about this wish of ours. She asked me if my mother had natural, unmediated births and I responded proudly by saying she had four. The doctor said if my body type is similar to my mother's, which it is, it is highly likely that I will be able to do the same. She also recommended that my mother be with me and Jason during labor and delivery since she has been through four successful unmedicated births herself. So, what do you say mama? The reality is that it would probably take her and my dad at least 5 hours to get down here and by then, baby Lidia might have already come. Jason and I are going to be like sponges in these classes and soak up all the information we need to know about natural pain relief. I will still have an open mind about the whole process because I know that you can't always predict how the baby is going to perform. Our next Dr.'s appointment is now only 2 weeks away - something that is very reassuring to me. I like to get confirmation from the Dr. that everything is as it should be - that Ms. Lidia is perfect.

As this pregnancy moves onto the 8th month, I am trying my hardest to stay normal and active. I am extremely exhausted and my back pains are almost enough to drive me crazy. Laying down too long is painful - as is sitting, standing, and walking. As you can assume, the ability to find a comfortable position has become the focus of most of my days. It's affecting Jason as well because he has to massage my back frequently - so much so that his hands are actually sore. I think I may have to invest in an actual licensed massage therapist so I don't drive Jason away (I also might want to invest in some beano and gasx, too)!
Also, I am getting extremely full with small amounts of food lately. This could be because our little girl and all of her components are resting against my stomach. This has been quite a shock for many who are aware of how much I used to eat. It makes me very conscious of everything I am putting in my mouth, as dear Lidia would appreciate me getting full on chicken and broccoli rather than ice cream sandwiches and cheetos. I can hardly believe I feel this way and we have 8 weeks left!

It's very exciting that my belly is getting big and my baby is moving almost non-stop. The one annoying thing about having a pregnant belly is having people that want to touch it all the time. One day this week, a woman at work saw me and ran over to me to rub my belly. She said she was having a bad week and needed to rub my belly for luck. I quickly shot back by smiling and saying, "I am not Buddha!" I don't mind when people ask my permission to touch my belly or when close family members touch my belly, but I find it very annoying when some people - acquaintances and perfect strangers - just think they have the right to touch my belly. I'm going to make a new shirt that says, "Hands Off the Belly!"

Ouch that Hurt!

Lidia, you can pack quite a punch or kick! A little bit ago, you hit my ribs so hard that I screamed out in pain. Daddy thought I was having a contraction and that we needed to go to the hospital (a little too soon for that). It was reassuring to him to find out that you were only beating up your dear mother who has been carrying you selflessly for the past 8 months. I read where your kicks and punches are going to be felt more strongly now because your over 4 pound frame is running out of room and amniotic fluid to cushion those blows. Just promise me that you won't do that when I'm in an important meeting!

Other than your weight and your brain, you are also growing in length. You are a whopping 19 inches now from head to tow. Daddy asked if you would be squirming around and kicking your legs when you are first born since you are so squished in my belly right now. I assume you will be, but I haven't ever seen a newborn baby before so who knows! You are no longer translucent because of the fat that has been accumulating on your body. Also, your finger and toe nails are now filling the beds of your nails.

Well, our love, it is now 8 short weeks until we meet. I have no doubt that it will be the best day of our lives. Keep dreaming and kicking girl. All the pain is worth the day when we will finally be able to see you, hold you, and kiss you. We love you, Lidia!

PS - not sure why the date and time are off on this blog. It was posted on July 12, 2009 at 11:oo p.m.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

31 Weeks - Happy 4th of July!

All About Us

Major headache + amazing weekend with the Danzo family + pure exhaustion = Writer's block. Enjoy the pictures!

Little Liddie Lou
This is your new nickname - we hope you like it! It sounds like a character from a Dr. Seuss book, doesn't it? Your brain is developing as rapidly as ever this week. You can perceive so many sensations now like light and sound. Your 5 senses are all in working order now, thanks to the thousands of connections in your brain that have been forming over the last couple of weeks. You have currently been moving around in my belly for the past two hours and have shown no signs of stopping. It is amazing to think that you are now sleeping and waking like an actual newborn. I can definitely tell when you are in these sleep and wake cycles. Luckily for me, the sleep periods are when I am sleeping, too! And speaking of sleep, it is something mommy needs to get a lot of tonight - starting now. I will see you in my dreams my love!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

30 Weeks - One Quarter Left!

All About Mommy and Daddy - Through Ava's Eyes
Mommy asked me to do the blog tonight because she was very tired. I wasn't sure what to write about, so I am going to tell you all what mommy and daddy did this week. Every morning, Angelo and I get to cuddle with daddy for awhile when mommy first goes to work. On most days, he goes to work and puts us in our cage. One day this week, daddy got to stay home with us all day. We absolutely love it when he takes us on runs - which he did on this day. Poor Angelo, though, he tuckered out about half way through the run and daddy had to carry him. I, on the other hand, could run for miles! Mommy and daddy are going to enter us in the Wiener Nationals again this summer. I hope I win this time! Angelo has no prayer. Come down and watch us on August 8th at River Downs in Cincinnati!

Moving on, early Friday morning, it was storming really bad. I hate the rain and I hate going out to pee in the rain even more. This storm was different, though. The thunder was so loud and there was so much lightening. Daddy got a call at 5 a.m., which isn't unusual. It's usually something to do with his work. I could tell that this call was different by the way that daddy was reacting. When he got off the phone, mommy sounded scared, too, and he told her that his workplace had been destroyed by the storm. Daddy later said that it was a mini-tornado that hit his work! He left for work at 530 am that day and didn't get home until 9 pm. I could tell that mommy was really missing him when she got home from work. She took a nap with me and Angelo until 8 pm that night - Daddy would never let her do that!

The next day, Angelo and I got very excited because we were leaving to go on a trip. The worst part about it was that we had to be buckled in the back seat. Before mommy had this baby in her tummy, we got to be buckled up front with her. Now, mommy can't get comfortable when we are on her lap, so we have to go in the backseat. I am very sad about this and I cry for about the first 15 minutes or so. Then I cry some more periodically throughout the trip. I'm hoping that mommy will one day bring at least me back up there with her, but I'm starting to believe that it will never happen again. We finally got to our destination, which according to mommy and daddy, was Columbus, Ohio. We ran into the house of mommy and daddy's friends - Ashley and Chris. We were stopped in our tracks by what looked like a big horse and his name was Ben. Mommy later told me that he was a Newfoundland - a very big dog. He ended up being nice after he batted me and Angelo around first. Then mommy and daddy said me and Angelo needed practice with this small human named Isaac. Isaac pulled my ears, banged on me with his hand, pulled my skin, and yanked my collar. I remained calm and cool, though, because I knew that's what mommy and daddy wanted me to do. I have a feeling that kind of stuff might be happening a lot to me in the near future. Angelo just wanted to lick the small human. Mommy kept pushing him away from Isaac, so I'm guessing that we aren't really supposed to do that to small humans. Licking is fun! After a fun-filled day in Columbus, we went back home to see our sister Sophia.

Mommy and daddy spent the whole day today working on the house because all of Daddy's family came over to our house to celebrate daddy's birthday. Me and Angelo's favorite part was licking up all the crumbs that people spilled on the floor. Mommy also gave me and Angelo a bath, cleaned out our ears, and clipped our nails. She kept telling us that she does this because she loves us, not because she likes to see us upset - which we were. I guess love means suffering. Well, mommy needs to take over from here so I'm going to go lay on a pillow and cuddle up with my brother. I hope you all enjoyed my week!

Our Dreamgirl

Lidia, our love for you was brought to a whole new level this weekend. As you know, we got to see you in a 3D/4D ultrasound. We got to see your chubby cheeks, your round nose, your cute little hands and feet, and your beautiful eyes. It was so surreal because you looked like an actual baby. I know that you have so much more developing to do in the next 10 weeks, but you honestly looked like a full-term baby. You were very intent on keeping your hands and your feet in front of your face during most of the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech kept pushing on my belly to get you to move, but you wouldn't move much. I told her that you are used to being jostled around when I run and when the animals step on you, so I didn't expect you to care too much that she was rocking you all around. It's OK, though, because we got some pretty good pictures of you. And either lucky or unlucky for you, you resemble my newborn picture quite a bit. 10 weeks ago we saw you for the first time and 10 weeks from now we will get to actually hold you in our arms. There are no words to explain how full our hearts are already with love for you!

The major development going on this week is your brain. Your brain is now able to regulate your body temperature, which means that the soft hair covering your body, lanugo, will start to fall off (you won't need it to keep you warm anymore!). I have no doubt that your brain will grow big and you will be a very smart girl! Daddy and I are going to stare at your pictures, as we have been doing all weekend. Goodnight sweet Lidia!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

29th Week - The Last of the Twenties

All About Us

Jason and I are currently relaxing after an exciting weekend with the Schneider family at Lake Cumberland. Lake Cumberland is in Jamestown, Kentucky and is about 3 hours south of our home. We got to the house that Jason's parents rented late Friday night and spent all day Saturday on the Lake. We rented a pontoon boat and a jet ski. We had fun getting out in the water and swimming around with the fishies. Jason was quite the speed demon on the jet ski, which is one of the reasons I refused to get on it. I have heard so many horror stories about jet skis that I decided to play it safe and stay on the boat and in the water. There's always next year! I thought that I could get away with no SPF for the first couple hours I was out there, but I was badly mistaken. My shoulders are now the same color of red as the red in the McDonald's sign. The rest of my body was pretty much saved, though. So in addition to all of the discomforts of pregnancy, I have to add sunburn to my list - with no one to blame but myself. Another lesson learned - no spf = a very uncomfortable and grumpy pregnant lady. Our sleep was a little compromised this weekend as well. I couldn't get comfortable due to many factors - backache, anxiety, sunburn, dogs, small bed, husband taking up too much room, etc. And lets face it, when you're sleeping next to someone who can't get comfortable, you can't get to sleep either - which was Jason's story. Lidia was up with us as well, poor thing. So here's to a good nights sleep tonight in our own bed- hopefully!

Squishy Squash

Hi my dear! You are now the size of a squash - strange comparison but I'm cool with it. You are a whopping 3 pounds and you are about 16 inches from head to toe. I am guessing that it is your foot that has been jabbing my upper right ribs these days, as the Doctor said that you are head down. Speaking of Doctors, we got to go to our monthly visit again this week. Mommy and daddy learned many things, one being that mommy has gained a total of 20 pounds so far. I was extremely surprised by this number, but have since been made aware that it is right on target for this stage in pregnancy. You, on the other hand, are a mere 3 pounds according to the doctor. That means that you are growing as you should be! We also got to hear your heartbeat again, at which time the Doctor said you were showing off. We have now seen 4 out of the 7 women doctors at our clinic, which means we only have 3 left to see. They have all been very nice and extremely knowledgeable. I have no doubt that you and I will be in very good hands no matter which one of them delivers you. Our next appointment was set for 3 weeks away instead of the typical 4 weeks- which is a sign that the end is in sight. The closer our appointments get, the sooner you will be here in our arms! Your daddy and I keep talking about next Saturday when we will get to see you again at our 3D/4D ultrasound. I have heard that the pictures we will get to see of you will be very similar to what you will actually look like when we get to see you in person. So you can imagine how excited we are for this! Don't worry, we will be sure to post pictures for all to see:) We will see you soon, Lidia!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

28 Weeks

An Open Letter to My Husband, Lidia's Father

It has been one year. 365 days. 52 weeks. Not a day, week, or now year has gone by when I don't thank God for you. I am convinced that you are an angel sent down from heaven especially for me. This past year has been the best year of my entire life - all which can be credited to you, my husband. I had always heard that the 1st year of marriage was the roughest. I was prepared for the worst - the fights, slammed doors, thrown kitchen plates (ok, maybe not that extreme). But something else happened - the first year of marriage was awesome! Yes, we have had our fights, but the best thing about us is that we actually learned from them. Take a look back at where we were when we first were married - we were two different lives merging into one. We have made so many compromises in this past year that have made our lives so much better. For example, it really irked you how I would leave dishes in the sink, so I decided that I would make your life easier by putting them in their appropriate places. And you know I hated it when you left the seat up on the toilet and then blamed it on Angelo. Now, I can't even remember the last time I went to the bathroom and had to put the seat down. The great thing about our love is that we both want to make each other happy. The selfish lifestyle of single life is not remaining in our home anymore. We are a team in so many aspects. We all know I would have never been able to train and complete any of the 3 5K's I ran this year without you. Your motivation and confidence in me has made me feel like I can accomplish anything, as long as you are by my side. And I'm sure that all the home improvement projects you have done this year wouldn't have been possible without my help, motivation, and confidence in you. We have made some very important decisions together this year - from putting our house on the market to taking it off and from getting pregnant to naming our baby. One thing is evident, no matter what decision we make, as long as it is a mutual decision, it has always proven to be the best for us. As a girl growing up, I could have never imagined finding a love as strong as our love. My life before you was extremely empty - I was always thinking, "There's gotta be more to life." From the moment I met you I knew that I would marry you. You were it - you are more than anything I could have ever imagined a husband to be. My life is meaningful now that you have entered it and again, I thank God for you. Remember my Dad's toast at our wedding when he said that you would now be the man helping me through troubled waters? Well he was absolutely right. You have always been there for me in the still water, waiting for me to make it through the troubled water so you could catch me. I have no doubt in my mind that Lidia is going to be the luckiest girl alive to have a father like you. You and I will be teaming up again to be the best parents to Lidia that we can be. I am so lucky to have you, Jason Matthew. Happy 1st Anniversary - I love you!

3rd Trimester!
Hello baby! We have now successfully entered the 3rd trimester and Daddy and I are already so proud of what you have accomplished. I can now feel actual fluid movements from you - not just kicks and jabs. For example, I can feel and see what seems to be a leg or an arm moving across my belly. I can also feel when you change positions. You seem to like when mommy is having conversations with other people, as this is the time when I feel you move like crazy. I'm sure you have much to add to the conversation!

You are supposively able to dream now and I wonder what you are dreaming about. Could it be the day when you finally get to see your mommy and daddy? Because we certainly dream about that day! You are continuing to practice sucking and blinking and might even be coughing in there. You must be growing up a storm because there's not one day that goes by that someone doesn't comment on how big my belly is getting.
It's time for bed now, sweet one. You are so sweet the way you sleep when mommy does. Good night Lidia!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

27 Weeks of Baby

All About Us

Baby Brain - yes, it is really a true condition and I have become a victim. Apparently, the blood flow to my brain is acting rather sluggish and causing me to work extra hard to remember things. My Jeopardy! skills are also suffering due to my brain's slow processing. People say that the reason this happens is due to the low blood pressure pregnancy causes. So, I apologize ahead of time if I forget important dates and certain facts I should know. Oh yeah, and don't hold it against me when I "forget" to shower on Sundays. :)
As far as other pregnancy symptoms I'm experiencing this week, just give me a checklist of possible symptoms and I could put a check by each and every one. Needless to say, this hasn't been the greatest week of pregnancy. I am very eager for the next 3 months to go by as quickly as possible so that I can feel like myself again. Yes, I'm whining, but boy does it ever feel good. Luckily for me, I have the most caring, understanding, and empathetic husband ever. He gives me a massage every single day without even being asked. We went to a Reds game last night with one of Jason's friends and he asked me, "When are you guys due?" I immediately shot back with, "We?! I am due at the beginning of September." But then I realized how selfish I was being by saying that and I apologized. Even though I am the one experiencing this pregnancy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Jason is too - just in a different way. And I don't think this happens with every husband/partner. I know that Jason feels every ache and every ounce of anxiety I have running through my body. I can tell this because he does everything in his power to make me feel better. He doesn't feel 100% unless I feel 100%. And that makes me the happiest woman alive. Well, that, and our dear Lidia.
Your First Reds Game!
Well hello my little crazy legs! I hope you were able to enjoy your first Reds game last night. We were part of a sold-out crowd of over 40,000 fans. And, we got to sit 7 rows back from the Reds dugout. What a night! I felt you kicking while we were there, but it was probably because mommy stuffed herself at dinner again. Speaking of dinner, you got to hear mommy's friend Jena and her husband Mark as we scarfed down food from Don Pablos. Their 2 boys are going to be a couple of your best friends! Also, you were a hit in Mommy's new shirt, as many people stopped to compliment us on it.

I cannot hardly believe it, but this week you are a whopping 15 inches! That would explain why in the mornings when I am laying in bed I can feel you wake up and hit me on both sides of abdomen at the same time. It's a great way to start my day! Next week, mommy has to officially start counting your kicks. This "kick count" insures that you are happy and healthy. As long as I count 10 kicks in 1 hour, 2 times a day, you are doing fabulous. I have no doubt in my mind that this will be easy. We both know how much you love to squirm around! You are also putting some more meat on those bones as you are weighing in at over 2 pounds. As far as developments are concerned, your eyes are now open after being fused shut for the past 7 months. It's supposedly pretty dark in there, so there's not much for you to see. But, you can at least practice blinking!

Our sweet Lidia, next week we will enter the last phase of this pregnancy and then you will finally be here in our arms. Your mommy and daddy dream about you every second of every day. We love you so much!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

27 in week 26

All About Us

Birthdays - they come and they go. To a 16 or 21 year old, a birthday is the best day ever. To this 27-year old on her birthday, it was just one more day that brought me closer to the birthday of our precious baby girl. While I appreciate the calls, cards, e-mails, presents, text messages, and facebook messages, it was really just another ordindary day for me. One of the best things about the day was being able to spend it with my parents - something I haven't been able to do in years. Jason, me, and the puppies went up to their house for the weekend and relaxed. Mom, Jason, and I went through all of my junk from high school and college that hadn't been sorted through since my parents moved 6 years ago. It was fun going through old yearbooks and college pictures. I was able to part with a lot of things, leaving only one box of "keepsakes" to grab when Jason and I are able to move into a bigger house. One of the items I found was a book that my mom had given me. She always gave me such meaningful books - a couple were dedicated to "daughter" quotes, which will come in very handy when I will soon have a daughter of my own. Any book given to me by my mom always had a special message written inside by her. This particular book simply stated: "To: Amy, From: Mom, Why: I Love You." It was touching when I first received it, but even more so when I read it while thinking of Lidia. And then I read it again aloud to Jason and we both cried. This book is an inside look at the lyrics of a Lee Ann Womack song titled, "I Hope You Dance."
To Lidia:

As my mother once hoped for me, your Daddy and I hope the same for you...

I Hope You Dance

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder;

You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger;

May you never take one single breath for granted;

God forbid love ever leave you empty-handed;

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean;

Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens;

Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance;

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance;

I hope you dance;

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance;

Never settle for the path of least resistance;

Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin';

Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin';

Don't let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter;

When you come close to sellin' out reconsider;

Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance;

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance;

I hope you dance;

Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along;

Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder

where those years have gone;

I hope you dance

Thursday, May 28, 2009

100 Day Special Edition!

Belly Bump

I cannot believe we are already at this point! 100 days left until Lidia Louise, the joy of our lives, enters this world. To commemorate this joyous occasion, I have posted the Belly Bump picture. Erin and I are both 25 weeks pregnant in this picture and Uncle Bob is 12 years pregnant.

Monday, May 25, 2009

25 Weeks - Oops I'm late!

All About Us

OK so I tried to be perfect and deliver you all an update every weekend. It looks like this week I fell from my perfect podium and have to admit that I completely forgot about the blog. I have some really good excuses, so I thought I would share and then maybe you all will forgive me. Jason and I were both ecstatic that we had a nice, long weekend to spend together. Saturday started off poolside with a couple of my girls while Jason spent some time at work. When he got home, we headed up to Dayton to celebrate Jason's dad's retirement. We got to hang out with all of Jason's family. Stay tuned for the "Belly Bump" picture. It is as amusing as it sounds! Jason's sister-in-law, Erin, and I are at about the exact same stage of pregnancy. It is so great to be able to talk to someone who is going through the exact same symptoms and issues as I am. For example, Erin and I found out that we both suffer from two not very common pregnancy symptoms - bloody noses and blurry vision. This seems odd, but I actually find it exciting to talk to other women about our strange, fun, and downright nasty pregnancy ailments. After our fun family get-together, Jason and I headed home exhausted. The next day, we decided to go to Lowe's to get some plants to spruce up our back patio. Then, Jason's parents came down to see our new home renovations, took us out to dinner, and bought us the best birthday present ever - a kitchen table from Ikea! So needless to say, even though it was 10 pm before we started, we decided to put the table and chairs together from start to finish. A few mistakes and a couple hours later and we now have our first ever kitchen table! So, has my day-by-day recap of the weekend made you want to forgive me for being a day late on the blog? I hope so!

Eggplant Parmesan

Mom's always say that their children owe them "big time" for having to go through pregnancy and labor. I, on the other hand, believe that I owe you a big one, Lidia. Not only have you brought the politeness out in people, but you have afforded me so many luxuries that I wouldn't normally get. People give up their seats for me, they let me go ahead of them in the grocery line, they pile food on my plate, they offer to do things for me, and the list goes on. I have felt like a princess ever since you came into our lives and I have no one other to thank than you, my dear. And God, of course!

As always, you have been moving around like crazy. We got to see the doctor again this week and all blood tests that have been done are great! Mommy's blood is O+, so no need for shots, which would have been the case if I was Rh -. The doctor said a specialist took a look at your ultrasound and everything looked perfect. They moved up your due date 1 day to September 5, but I will probably still use September 6 as your date. I have a feeling you might be here earlier than both of those dates anyways. The Doctor asked me if I had felt small little movements from you yet and I responded by saying, "Are you kidding?" I told her just to watch my stomach and then she will have the answer to that question. I absolutely LOVE to see and feel you move. It has got to be the greatest feeling in this entire world. I could write a whole book on how much I love it! It is an even more special feeling when Daddy sees and feels you move, too.
You've got some exciting developments going on this week. The capillaries under your skin are filling with blood and the capillaries that line air sacs are developing in your lungs. Your lungs are also developing surfactant that will help them expand after birth. Your nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are beginning to open so you can begin to practice the art of breathing - something we all take for granted. Also, your vocal chords are completely functional now and this apparently leads to you hiccuping. OK, your Daddy wants to cuddle with me and you now, so we will catch up next week my dear. Just always remember that no matter what, your mommy and daddy love you and will always be there for you. Goodnight my love.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

24 Weeks

All About Us

This week has been extremely low-key, which is much needed sometimes. This weekend was especially delightful because we had no plans. I love having one of those weekends every once in awhile. I spent a lot of time relaxing and Jason spent time checking things off of his house chore to-do list. I joke with him that he has a touch of ADD as he cannot stand to just sit and relax before 9 p.m. He always finds something that he can be doing. I, on the other hand, have the opposite of ADD. Each day this weekend I took a nap - or a "nipper" as Jason and I call it. I hate to say it, but it's one of the things I enjoy doing most. And knowing that in 3 months my nippering will be non-existent makes them that much more enjoyable. My energy level lately has been declining day by day. I can't help but believe it is because I haven't been able to do vigorous exercise since the foot injury. So hopefully I will back on my feet again soon and maybe even develop a smidgen of ADD myself. After all, we've only got 3 months left to prepare for our little lady!

A Pineapple?

I was thinking that we could compare you to a pineapple. Daddy and I bought one today and it looked as though you might be the same size as one. Who knows! I do know that you are inching closer and closer to the 2 pound mark. You are beginning to gain 6 ounces every week from now until you are born, which seems like a lot, but your grandma and I counted today and it would equal about 6 pounds. Don't you worry, you will have no problem putting on those extra ounces as your mommy does very well to feed you. Speaking of food, mommy has yet to learn her lesson - which is that her appetite is a lot bigger than what her tummy can hold at this point. So after I ate a hamburger, a sausage, vegetables, and fries tonight, I am sitting here bloated and unable to move. I can't help but wonder if my fullness is crowding your space as well. One of these days mommy will learn to eat small meals instead of big meals - maybe.

You seem to have found a comfortable position this week. I can't tell exactly what appendage of yours is doing the damage, but my bladder is getting a beating. Before too long, I may have to invest in some depends. This week, your eyebrows and eyelashes are full and in place on that beautiful face of yours. Speaking of your beautiful face, we will get to see it again in 6 short weeks. We have scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound so we can have a sneak peak of what you look like. Daddy and mommy cannot wait! OK it's time for Daddy to put his hand on mommy's belly to feel you move. We love you Lidia!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Crippling 23rd Week

All About Us
The recipe on how to make a delightfully crippled pregnant lady:

1 newly waxed floor

1 dash of rain-soaked high heels

2 bags of groceries - one in each hand

1 pregnant, ambitious worker who is already suffering from a lack of balance

Mix the ingredients together vigorously and you will have yourself one pain in the ass! As you can imagine, this week has been nothing short of interesting. This little mishap happened on Wednesday and I am still feeling the after-effects. I have a badly sprained foot and a killer bruise on my knee. Of course none of this even phased me until I was sure that Lidia had escaped any injury from the fall. While there is no way to tell this for sure, she has been as active as ever. That, coupled with the fact that my OB said as long as I didn't have any bruising or scrapes on my abdomen, then the baby is fine. So once that initial concern was addressed, the pain slowly kicked in. My wonderful husband drove me to Urgent Care where I had X-rays done and was given crutches. No broken bones - just a badly sprained foot. Since I would be the one to break my arm while on crutches for a non-related injury, I decided to only use 1 crutch on which to hobble around. The night of the accident was brutal. I laid in bed with my foot elevated and throbbing. I tried to position myself so that I wasn't on my back, as the added weight from dear Lidia and all of her components puts too much pressure on a major artery that leads to my heart and brain. This pressure leads me to feel dizzy and uncomfortable, so all night I was trying to maintain a comfortable position while still having my foot elevated. The pain was so bad that I just couldn't help but cry...and cry and cry. I likened the pain to that of labor and delivery pain, so I tried to breathe through it, which helped. Then, there was a point in the night where Lidia was moving non-stop. She was throwing kicks, punches, elbows, and knees all over the place. This helped me keep my mind off the pain, but I couldn't help but think that she was somewhat feeling the discomfort as well. Somehow I managed to get to sleep that night. Really, it was thanks to Jason and all of his efforts to make me well that finally got me to sleep. The next day, I did not want to go to work, but I made myself because I knew that I could do my job sitting in a chair with my foot elevated all day. Jason drove me there, helped me into my office, and told my coworkers to make sure I was partaking in the RICE method of recovery. Needless to say, it was quite a sight to see a pregnant lady hobbling around on crutches. I was referred to as "waddles" for a whole new reason. While I did fill the prescription for Vicoden that my OB called in for me (yes, I was just as amazed that pregnant women can take Vicoden!), I didn't end up taking any. My feelings were that if the pain got as bad as the night before, then I would pop one immediately. It never did, so I never took it. While the pain has subsided the past few days, it is not gone and my gimpiness continues. I can't walk for long periods of time, let alone exercise, so I am in major withdrawal from lack of physical activity. I may try the stationary bike tomorrow, as it seems it wouldn't put too much pressure on my foot. I certainly do not thank God for this happening to me, but I do see it as a blessing that it happened THIS week instead of LAST week. I would have been completely crushed had that been the case. So, the moral of the story? The lesson learned? There are a couple. One - I learned that as hard as it sounds, it will always be instinctual for me to put Lidia's health and well-being before my own. Two - that I am very BLESSED to have two sisters who gave me EXCELLENT advice (better than the Orthopedic specialist I saw on Friday), one of which is a Physical Therapist and the other who is an Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner. Three - Jason and my parents have won the battle - I will no longer be wearing high heels - at least until Lidia arrives. Four - I can always count on my husband to be there for me when I'm injured. This includes being able to tell him a little white lie - that the Orthopedic specialist told me that having someone massage my foot will make it heal faster because it increases blood flow to the injured area. Hey, it sounds believable to me! And, it's working! :)

On another note, our kitchen renovation is finally complete! The finishing touch, the kitchen faucet, was completed today by none other than that handy husband of mine. Take a look at how snazzy it is! New floor, new window coverings/blinds, new cabinets, new hardware for cabinets, new faucet, new light fixture, and mostly impressive - new granite countertops!

You Are Still a Papaya!

I must apologize. As I had mentioned in the last blog, I was going to try to find a fruit or vegetable to compare you to this week since the Web site I rely on to do this is no longer doing week-by-week produce comparisons, just month-by-month comparisons. Needless to say, I haven't been able to find anything to which to compare you. So, I have decided to post a picture of us hanging out today. You, in my belly, and your siblings, by my side, as I was trying to find a recipe in my Betty Crocker cookbook for Scalloped Potatoes. I found the recipe and made them for dinner tonight. I made sure to scoop a couple extra out on my plate just for you, my dear. They were delicious - I hope you liked them!

One thing mommy has to confess - I have come down with little baby girl clothes shopaholic syndrome, otherwise known as LBGCSS. Yes, Lidia, I admit it. I have been buying clothes for you like they are going out of style. Which wouldn't make much sense, but you get the picture. Every time I'm out, I have to buy you something. I've already bought you close to 5 going-home outfits, about 15 onesies, and 5 sleepers. Not to mention the oh-so-cute newborn booties and a "Daddy loves me" bib. And though I thought my 2-store shopping spree yesterday had subsided my addiction for awhile, LBGCSS struck again today. You will be sporting a Bengals onesie from 0-3 months and a Steelers onesie from 3-6 months. You see, I planned that perfectly because you will be about 4 months when the Steelers are in the Superbowl again next year. Daddy doesn't think you will look good in Black and Gold, but I know that you will be born to wear those colors! Girl, you are going to be one stylish baby!

Your development this week continues to be on a maintenance and maturing cycle. Your organs continue to practice what they will be doing in the outside world. Your brain is continuing to grow exponentially. Fat is continuing to build on that skin-and-bones frame of yours and because of this, you will double your weight by the end of this month. This month is also our last in the 2nd trimester. Let's make it a great one, Lidia! Your Daddy and I continue to read to you every night in an effort to get ourselves into a routine for when you are finally here. In the meantime, we hope you are able to enjoy our witty rendition of Dr. Seuss' ABC's! Until next week, Liddie Lou, we love you!