All About Us
How far along are you? When are you due? How long do you have left? Do you know what you're having? Do you have a name for her? Is your nursery done? Those are a few of the many questions that I have been asked in the last couple weeks, and questions that most pregnant women at this point will get. I am guessing these questions are more prevalent in this stage in pregnancy because it is OH so obvious that there is a baby in there. For those of you who haven't reached this point, I have one piece of advise - Answer all questions with a smile on your face :) Though this may seem easy to do, as us pregnant ladies are always willing to take time out to talk about our babies, after the fifth time a question is asked in a day it gets to be a little too much. When you're in a job where you encounter many different people each day, chances are you will be asked these questions over and over again. The askers of these questions expect you to smile and gush over the fact that they are taking time to notice you and your "condition." So please, give the people what they want. If not, they may talk behind your back about how the pregnancy "hormones" must be getting to you. Or, you may choose to use humor in these situations by answering the question, "How far along are you?" with "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about." My favorite was when a worker at Subway asked me "How long?" and I replied by saying, "A foot long, please." Apparently, he wasn't inquiring about my sub size, but my tummy size.
Honeydew List
Your list of amazing acts inside the womb is getting longer and longer. You have recently grown quite fond of hiccuping at least once a day. This is so neat to feel! Sometimes you hiccup so hard that I think it startles you and you move all around. Speaking of moving, your increasing growth has not slowed down your movement in the least. I cannot believe that you are nearly 5 pounds! You move around for hours at a time, many times a day. Every time you move around, it makes me the happiest person on this earth. Your movement alone is enough to make what could be a horrible day an especially pleasant one. And I'm not the only one who benefits from your movement - daddy does as well. When he talks to you and puts his hand on my tummy, you move around like crazy. I can tell that you are already a daddy's girl! I can't determine right now if you are head up or head down, but I will be sure to ask the doctor this week. Just as long as you are head down around 36 weeks, your mommy and daddy will not worry.
Do you like to hear your fishie at night? Your great-grandma and great aunts got you this musical fish that your daddy and I absolutely love. We play it for you each night before we go to sleep. Hopefully it will be a very comforting sound to you when you enter this world.
Some very exciting news for you this week - you will be getting another cousin in March! Congratulations to Terri and Dave!!
Lidia Louise, how sweet it is to dream of you as your daddy and I do every second of everyday. Even without yet holding you in our arms, you make our hearts whole and our smiles never-ending. Goodnight my dear - I will feel you when we wake!
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