Sunday, June 28, 2009

30 Weeks - One Quarter Left!

All About Mommy and Daddy - Through Ava's Eyes
Mommy asked me to do the blog tonight because she was very tired. I wasn't sure what to write about, so I am going to tell you all what mommy and daddy did this week. Every morning, Angelo and I get to cuddle with daddy for awhile when mommy first goes to work. On most days, he goes to work and puts us in our cage. One day this week, daddy got to stay home with us all day. We absolutely love it when he takes us on runs - which he did on this day. Poor Angelo, though, he tuckered out about half way through the run and daddy had to carry him. I, on the other hand, could run for miles! Mommy and daddy are going to enter us in the Wiener Nationals again this summer. I hope I win this time! Angelo has no prayer. Come down and watch us on August 8th at River Downs in Cincinnati!

Moving on, early Friday morning, it was storming really bad. I hate the rain and I hate going out to pee in the rain even more. This storm was different, though. The thunder was so loud and there was so much lightening. Daddy got a call at 5 a.m., which isn't unusual. It's usually something to do with his work. I could tell that this call was different by the way that daddy was reacting. When he got off the phone, mommy sounded scared, too, and he told her that his workplace had been destroyed by the storm. Daddy later said that it was a mini-tornado that hit his work! He left for work at 530 am that day and didn't get home until 9 pm. I could tell that mommy was really missing him when she got home from work. She took a nap with me and Angelo until 8 pm that night - Daddy would never let her do that!

The next day, Angelo and I got very excited because we were leaving to go on a trip. The worst part about it was that we had to be buckled in the back seat. Before mommy had this baby in her tummy, we got to be buckled up front with her. Now, mommy can't get comfortable when we are on her lap, so we have to go in the backseat. I am very sad about this and I cry for about the first 15 minutes or so. Then I cry some more periodically throughout the trip. I'm hoping that mommy will one day bring at least me back up there with her, but I'm starting to believe that it will never happen again. We finally got to our destination, which according to mommy and daddy, was Columbus, Ohio. We ran into the house of mommy and daddy's friends - Ashley and Chris. We were stopped in our tracks by what looked like a big horse and his name was Ben. Mommy later told me that he was a Newfoundland - a very big dog. He ended up being nice after he batted me and Angelo around first. Then mommy and daddy said me and Angelo needed practice with this small human named Isaac. Isaac pulled my ears, banged on me with his hand, pulled my skin, and yanked my collar. I remained calm and cool, though, because I knew that's what mommy and daddy wanted me to do. I have a feeling that kind of stuff might be happening a lot to me in the near future. Angelo just wanted to lick the small human. Mommy kept pushing him away from Isaac, so I'm guessing that we aren't really supposed to do that to small humans. Licking is fun! After a fun-filled day in Columbus, we went back home to see our sister Sophia.

Mommy and daddy spent the whole day today working on the house because all of Daddy's family came over to our house to celebrate daddy's birthday. Me and Angelo's favorite part was licking up all the crumbs that people spilled on the floor. Mommy also gave me and Angelo a bath, cleaned out our ears, and clipped our nails. She kept telling us that she does this because she loves us, not because she likes to see us upset - which we were. I guess love means suffering. Well, mommy needs to take over from here so I'm going to go lay on a pillow and cuddle up with my brother. I hope you all enjoyed my week!

Our Dreamgirl

Lidia, our love for you was brought to a whole new level this weekend. As you know, we got to see you in a 3D/4D ultrasound. We got to see your chubby cheeks, your round nose, your cute little hands and feet, and your beautiful eyes. It was so surreal because you looked like an actual baby. I know that you have so much more developing to do in the next 10 weeks, but you honestly looked like a full-term baby. You were very intent on keeping your hands and your feet in front of your face during most of the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech kept pushing on my belly to get you to move, but you wouldn't move much. I told her that you are used to being jostled around when I run and when the animals step on you, so I didn't expect you to care too much that she was rocking you all around. It's OK, though, because we got some pretty good pictures of you. And either lucky or unlucky for you, you resemble my newborn picture quite a bit. 10 weeks ago we saw you for the first time and 10 weeks from now we will get to actually hold you in our arms. There are no words to explain how full our hearts are already with love for you!

The major development going on this week is your brain. Your brain is now able to regulate your body temperature, which means that the soft hair covering your body, lanugo, will start to fall off (you won't need it to keep you warm anymore!). I have no doubt that your brain will grow big and you will be a very smart girl! Daddy and I are going to stare at your pictures, as we have been doing all weekend. Goodnight sweet Lidia!

1 comment:

  1. I actually think she has Jason's nose. She will be a unique little girl with a personality all her own. Can't wait to hold her in my arms. Love, Mom and dad. (Grandmom and Grandpa)
