Sunday, June 7, 2009

27 Weeks of Baby

All About Us

Baby Brain - yes, it is really a true condition and I have become a victim. Apparently, the blood flow to my brain is acting rather sluggish and causing me to work extra hard to remember things. My Jeopardy! skills are also suffering due to my brain's slow processing. People say that the reason this happens is due to the low blood pressure pregnancy causes. So, I apologize ahead of time if I forget important dates and certain facts I should know. Oh yeah, and don't hold it against me when I "forget" to shower on Sundays. :)
As far as other pregnancy symptoms I'm experiencing this week, just give me a checklist of possible symptoms and I could put a check by each and every one. Needless to say, this hasn't been the greatest week of pregnancy. I am very eager for the next 3 months to go by as quickly as possible so that I can feel like myself again. Yes, I'm whining, but boy does it ever feel good. Luckily for me, I have the most caring, understanding, and empathetic husband ever. He gives me a massage every single day without even being asked. We went to a Reds game last night with one of Jason's friends and he asked me, "When are you guys due?" I immediately shot back with, "We?! I am due at the beginning of September." But then I realized how selfish I was being by saying that and I apologized. Even though I am the one experiencing this pregnancy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Jason is too - just in a different way. And I don't think this happens with every husband/partner. I know that Jason feels every ache and every ounce of anxiety I have running through my body. I can tell this because he does everything in his power to make me feel better. He doesn't feel 100% unless I feel 100%. And that makes me the happiest woman alive. Well, that, and our dear Lidia.
Your First Reds Game!
Well hello my little crazy legs! I hope you were able to enjoy your first Reds game last night. We were part of a sold-out crowd of over 40,000 fans. And, we got to sit 7 rows back from the Reds dugout. What a night! I felt you kicking while we were there, but it was probably because mommy stuffed herself at dinner again. Speaking of dinner, you got to hear mommy's friend Jena and her husband Mark as we scarfed down food from Don Pablos. Their 2 boys are going to be a couple of your best friends! Also, you were a hit in Mommy's new shirt, as many people stopped to compliment us on it.

I cannot hardly believe it, but this week you are a whopping 15 inches! That would explain why in the mornings when I am laying in bed I can feel you wake up and hit me on both sides of abdomen at the same time. It's a great way to start my day! Next week, mommy has to officially start counting your kicks. This "kick count" insures that you are happy and healthy. As long as I count 10 kicks in 1 hour, 2 times a day, you are doing fabulous. I have no doubt in my mind that this will be easy. We both know how much you love to squirm around! You are also putting some more meat on those bones as you are weighing in at over 2 pounds. As far as developments are concerned, your eyes are now open after being fused shut for the past 7 months. It's supposedly pretty dark in there, so there's not much for you to see. But, you can at least practice blinking!

Our sweet Lidia, next week we will enter the last phase of this pregnancy and then you will finally be here in our arms. Your mommy and daddy dream about you every second of every day. We love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Amy and Jason,
    We love your updates. The new shirt is sharp too! Mom and Dad
