Sunday, July 5, 2009

31 Weeks - Happy 4th of July!

All About Us

Major headache + amazing weekend with the Danzo family + pure exhaustion = Writer's block. Enjoy the pictures!

Little Liddie Lou
This is your new nickname - we hope you like it! It sounds like a character from a Dr. Seuss book, doesn't it? Your brain is developing as rapidly as ever this week. You can perceive so many sensations now like light and sound. Your 5 senses are all in working order now, thanks to the thousands of connections in your brain that have been forming over the last couple of weeks. You have currently been moving around in my belly for the past two hours and have shown no signs of stopping. It is amazing to think that you are now sleeping and waking like an actual newborn. I can definitely tell when you are in these sleep and wake cycles. Luckily for me, the sleep periods are when I am sleeping, too! And speaking of sleep, it is something mommy needs to get a lot of tonight - starting now. I will see you in my dreams my love!

1 comment:

  1. I like the nickname! Thanks for the wonderful week-end Love, Mom
