Sunday, June 14, 2009

28 Weeks

An Open Letter to My Husband, Lidia's Father

It has been one year. 365 days. 52 weeks. Not a day, week, or now year has gone by when I don't thank God for you. I am convinced that you are an angel sent down from heaven especially for me. This past year has been the best year of my entire life - all which can be credited to you, my husband. I had always heard that the 1st year of marriage was the roughest. I was prepared for the worst - the fights, slammed doors, thrown kitchen plates (ok, maybe not that extreme). But something else happened - the first year of marriage was awesome! Yes, we have had our fights, but the best thing about us is that we actually learned from them. Take a look back at where we were when we first were married - we were two different lives merging into one. We have made so many compromises in this past year that have made our lives so much better. For example, it really irked you how I would leave dishes in the sink, so I decided that I would make your life easier by putting them in their appropriate places. And you know I hated it when you left the seat up on the toilet and then blamed it on Angelo. Now, I can't even remember the last time I went to the bathroom and had to put the seat down. The great thing about our love is that we both want to make each other happy. The selfish lifestyle of single life is not remaining in our home anymore. We are a team in so many aspects. We all know I would have never been able to train and complete any of the 3 5K's I ran this year without you. Your motivation and confidence in me has made me feel like I can accomplish anything, as long as you are by my side. And I'm sure that all the home improvement projects you have done this year wouldn't have been possible without my help, motivation, and confidence in you. We have made some very important decisions together this year - from putting our house on the market to taking it off and from getting pregnant to naming our baby. One thing is evident, no matter what decision we make, as long as it is a mutual decision, it has always proven to be the best for us. As a girl growing up, I could have never imagined finding a love as strong as our love. My life before you was extremely empty - I was always thinking, "There's gotta be more to life." From the moment I met you I knew that I would marry you. You were it - you are more than anything I could have ever imagined a husband to be. My life is meaningful now that you have entered it and again, I thank God for you. Remember my Dad's toast at our wedding when he said that you would now be the man helping me through troubled waters? Well he was absolutely right. You have always been there for me in the still water, waiting for me to make it through the troubled water so you could catch me. I have no doubt in my mind that Lidia is going to be the luckiest girl alive to have a father like you. You and I will be teaming up again to be the best parents to Lidia that we can be. I am so lucky to have you, Jason Matthew. Happy 1st Anniversary - I love you!

3rd Trimester!
Hello baby! We have now successfully entered the 3rd trimester and Daddy and I are already so proud of what you have accomplished. I can now feel actual fluid movements from you - not just kicks and jabs. For example, I can feel and see what seems to be a leg or an arm moving across my belly. I can also feel when you change positions. You seem to like when mommy is having conversations with other people, as this is the time when I feel you move like crazy. I'm sure you have much to add to the conversation!

You are supposively able to dream now and I wonder what you are dreaming about. Could it be the day when you finally get to see your mommy and daddy? Because we certainly dream about that day! You are continuing to practice sucking and blinking and might even be coughing in there. You must be growing up a storm because there's not one day that goes by that someone doesn't comment on how big my belly is getting.
It's time for bed now, sweet one. You are so sweet the way you sleep when mommy does. Good night Lidia!

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