Saturday, April 25, 2009

Week 21

All About Us
Finally this month is almost over! April has been a very busy month for us, by far. We have had either work or out-of-town commitments every weekend in April, which made it a very hectic month for us. The month started out very cold - there was actually a day when it was below freezing. Today, on the other hand, was sunny and HOT as temperatures soared into the 80s. Now I'm not complaining about the weather, but I would have liked to have at least a month in the 70s. Today made me realize what the summer is actually going to be like - hot, sticky, and pregnant. I am by no means a person who wears shorts (other than to run in and sleep in), but I may have to invest in some for this summer. If today is any indicator of how things will be, I would stay clear of this grumpy pregnant lady if I were you! Just kidding!
We got some very good news at the Dr's office this week. The results from the quad screening I had done - which is able to predict if it is likely that the baby will have a developmental disorder like spinobifida or down syndrome - came back as "no increased risk." That was music to our ears!
Go Bananas!

Of course I am going to dedicate most of this week's blog to you, my dear! We fell in love with you at first sight this past Wednesday. Daddy and I were extremely anxious all day to see your beautiful face at the Dr's office. We could have never imagined all the emotions we were going to feel as we saw your entire body for the first time. It was an emotional roller coaster - we laughed, we cried, and we got nervous as the Ultrasound Technician checked out your vital organs and counted your fingers and toes. We had nothing to worry about, though, as she referred to your heart as "beautiful" and said that your brain was developing very well (I told her it must be from the fish oil I am taking every morning!). You were weighing in at a healthy 14 ounces and I was told that all of those ounces were sitting pretty directly on top of my bladder, which would explain why it sometimes feels like my bladder is being used as a trampoline. Also, we got to see you yawn, kick, and move your hands and arms around. Your profile definitely showed that you are a product of mommy and daddy. You have nice, full lips and of course, our lovely Italian nose. When we first saw you, you were sitting half Indian style - one leg was sticking straight out and the other was crossed. This made it very difficult to determine your gender. The Ultrasound Tech did a lot of poking and had me cough to get you into a position where she could definitely tell what gender you were. When you finally spread your legs for her, it was clear to both her and us what name we could officially start calling you! By next week at this time, the word will be out and you will be hearing your name from people other than just Daddy and me. Our lips are sealed until then!

In terms of your development this week, your taste buds are working overtime as you drink in the amniotic fluid. I was advised by many articles to start eating what I would like you to have a taste for when you enter this world. Needless to say, you will love Italian food! And of course I'm eating the good stuff, too, like fruits and vegetables. Your movements are becoming more coordinated because of your neuron development and the fact that most of your cartilage is turning to bone. That would explain why I feel you move a lot more these days! Well, little one, it was such a blessing for us to see you for the first time this week - a wait that was definitely worth-while. Strap yourself in for this coming week as we count down to our big run next Saturday. Your Daddy and Mommy love you dearly!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week 20 - Half Way Through!

All About Us

We are so excited that we have reached this milestone! 20 weeks! Half-way! Cantaloupe! I remember looking ahead when I was just newly pregnant and thinking that it would be so surreal when baby is actually the size of a cantaloupe - it didn't seem possible. But now it's here and we have entered into a new phase. The new phase is action and reality. Nursery ideas are becoming more real and we actually have a game plan and time frame as to when it is going to be completed. Our home improvement projects are about 98% completed, which means that all of our focus can now be put on our little one. And the little one got a lot of focus this weekend.
It couldn't have been a more perfect weekend - the entire family gathered together to celebrate Rob's 30th's birthday. I couldn't have picked a better way to celebrate our milestone than with family. My sister, Kristi, is 3 weeks behind me and not showing in the least. I, on the other hand, am large and in-charge compared to her. We did manage to get together so our babies could have their first play date. We also had quite a bit of fun with the fetal heart monitor! I can't explain how extremely lucky and blessed I feel to be going through this experience with my best friend. A miracle in itself, but even more-so knowing that my sister is right there with me, experiencing the same miracles and milestones that I am.
Cantaloupe Can't Get Any Cuter!

Hi baby! You are amazingly the size of a cantaloupe now. This past week, I have felt you move quite a bit. It feels like you are doing somersaults a lot. I hope that you weren't affected too much with my sickness. We didn't get much sleep because of it, but hopefully we will make up for it this week. Your digestive system is now producing meconium, which will fill your first diapers. Meconium is made up of all the amniotic fluid you've been swallowing. We will let daddy handle that diaper! My little one, the day is almost here when your daddy and I will be able to see you for the first time. Just 3 short days and we will see your little hands and feet, your beautiful face, and most importantly - whether you are a boy or a girl! On Wednesday at about 3:30 p.m., you will finally be able to be called by your name. Daddy and I are going to keep it our little secret for about 10 days until we reveal the gender and name at the Flying Pig 5K. We have been looking forward to this day for such a long time, so hopefully you won't be shy! Good night, my love, and we will see you on Wednesday!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

19th Week

All About Us

I just finished wiping my nose with my sleeve and I am currently only able to breath out of my mouth. Needless to say, I don't have much to say this week because I have caught my first bug since being pregnant. Being pregnant in addition to having a cold is definitely nothing to sneeze about. One of the biggest struggles I have faced with this sickness is what medicine to take. I have a list of acceptable medicines that was given to me by my doctor, but it isn't an all-encompassing list. What I really wish I had was a list of medicines to absolutely NOT take while pregnant. I found that I can't necessarily rely on the medicine labels, either. They all say, "Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing before taking this medicine." Consulting my doctor on a Saturday night or Easter Sunday is not as easy as the makers of Tylenol Cold Nighttime make it seem. I have been taking a very mild decongestant, but I'm not going to bother with it anymore because it isn't helping one bit. If anything, it is making it more frustrating because I'm actually taking medicine, but it's not making me feel any better. I can't help but feel like I'm a little more emotional being pregnant and sick than being just sick. I have to say though, that man of mine has done an excellent job of taking care of me. From folding laundry, to getting me water, to actually offering to do the blog - he has been a true care-taker. I have no worries that he is going to be just as great with our little mango.

Mango Madness
I have to say, I've never actually seen or held a mango, but from what I can gather, they are about twice the size of a medium apple. I apologize if I have been startling you with my sneezes lately, as I have read where you may react to them. Your body is apparently covered with a cheesy, waxy coating that protects you from the amniotic fluid. Not so appetizing right now, but it's quite functional when you think about how a person would look after soaking in a bathtub for 9 months. We hit a milestone this week - mommy actually got recognized as being pregnant by someone who did not know I was pregnant. This means that you are growing up a storm! I am so excited that in 1 week from now, we will be half-way through. Only 21 more weeks until your mommy and daddy can hold you in our arms for the first time. We love you!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

18 Weeks!

All About Us

Well, it is officially 4 weeks until we cross the finish line of our first 5K with baby. Have you signed up for the Flying Pig yet? We have been able to enjoy our training in the beautiful outdoors this week. I think that it is pretty ironic that I am more fit at this point in my life than I have ever been. All it took was motivation and a husband that is willing to go at my pace and to believe in me every step of the way - literally. Take today for example - we arrived home, exhausted after a great weekend. We took the dogs up to Columbus to spend the night with our friends, Ashley, Chris, and their 6 month old, Isaac. Ashley and Chris so graciously let us "practice" on baby Isaac. Jason received an "A" in Diaper-Changing 101 and Intro to How to Make a Baby Smile. We went out to eat to this quaint, little Italian restaurant and I was comforted by the fact that my lactating friend and I had matching ravenous appetites. We surpassed the men by far in our food consumption. Ashley and Chris make parenting seem simple, but I can see where the most exhausting part for us will be balancing the dogs with the baby, since our dogs are not used to having a small human in their midst. After saying our goodbyes, we came home and despite our exhaustion, went for a run. Though staying curled up with my pups was a more pleasant alternative than exerting myself, I decided to get up. Jason was ready to run and it was his motivation that got my motivation in gear. 3.1 miles later and we were more than happy with our decision - especially since it started storming as soon as we got back. I urge all of you reading this blog to grab a partner, fire up your motivation, and get moving. Find what you like to like to do to keep yourself in shape and do it on a regular basis. Because if this pregnant, back-achy, and exhausted woman can do it, then anyone can. Flying Pig 5K here we come!

You Say Potato, I Say Potawto

Well sprinkle you with brown sugar, bake you in the oven, and call you a Sweet Potato! You continue to move and wiggle around. I am actually feeling slight movements from you, which has made a somewhat abstract concept seem more concrete. We now know your heart rate, thanks to our handle dandy little fetal heart monitor. Your heart rate ranges between 132 and 138 beats per minute, which in old wives terms would mean you are a boy. In just 2 short weeks we will find this out for sure! You are yawning and hiccuping now, which I will probably be able to feel in a couple weeks. Daddy keeps saying that he wants you to be born now, but don't you worry, I let him know that you still have quite a bit of growing to do before you make your big debut. Our minds and hearts are definitely ready for you, but we realize that you will come into our world when you are ready. Luckily for you, you are going to be entering into a world that will be filled with lots of love.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mid 18th Week Extra

It is our pleasure to introduce you to baby for the very first time. We hope you fall in love with baby as we have. It was love at first hear!