Sunday, March 15, 2009

15 Weeks

All About Us

Something that I noticed this week is that women love to tell stories. Women like to tell stories about their jobs, their families, their friends, their animals, their health - the list goes on. The more women I tell about our little one, the more stories I hear. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate the stories about how long Barb was in labor, how many C-sections Mel had, or that Sally couldn't stand the smell of her spice cabinet throughout her entire pregnancy. I'm simply stating that I have noticed that women love to talk about their pregnancy and birth stories. It's almost like once you go through it yourself, you've earned the right to tell your stories as many times to as many people as you see fit. I feel that through these women's stories, they are able to relive the best moments of their lives. Even as they tell of the sleepless nights, the utter sickness, and the painful delivery, their eyes light up and ear-to-ear smiles appear on their faces. I can only imagine how happy I will be when it is time for me to tell our story. And luckily for us, our story will live on as long as the internet does.

Orange You a Cute Little Thing?!

Hi baby! Amazlingly, you are the size of a naval orange. You are an active little one with the way you've been moving around - kicking, making fists, curling your toes, oh and not to forget, breathing! You've been holding steady with mommy as we run those 5ks every week. Daddy walks by our treadmill and cheers us on every step of the way. Daddy has begun reading his book, The Expectant Father. He likes telling mommy what he's learned. I'm pretty sure we've got your name and it will only be another 5 short weeks until we can start calling you by it. This coming week, Daddy and I get to go on a tour of the hospital and room where you will be born. I will be sure to tell you all about it. Until next time, your mommy and daddy love you dearly little one.

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