Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunny Seventeenth Week

All About Us

I had difficulty logging into tonight to update the blog. I almost thought that it was a sign that I should just go to bed. But like everything else that happened today, I had to finish what I started. I have a sneaky suspicion that I won't be able to move tomorrow morning. Jason may have some trouble as well. I am already suffering from round ligament pain (a pregnancy symptom that includes abdominal and back pain due to the growing uterus) and I decided not only to run a 5K, but to do 8 loads of laundry, help Jason hang a new light fixture in the kitchen, and spend 6 hours organizing our storage so we can eventually get the baby's room set up. I definitely over-worked myself today, but I had no choice. Jason and I both live by the philosophy that when we start something, we have to finish it - no matter what the cost. Of course he ran into some issues while hanging the new kitchen light. He didn't want to quit or call it a day. Instead, he was determined to finish what he had intended to finish in the first place. I think this philosophy of ours can be good and bad. It's bad because we don't know when to stop. It's good because we work hard and accomplish many things. I am 100% sure that this philosophy of ours will spill over into our parenting. With the good and bad, we will never quit on our children. We will keep our faith in them until our job is finished. But like many say, a parent's job is never done.

Tears of Joy

As you grow to the size of an onion this week, our hearts are growing just as large. You are practicing many of your reflexes this week, some including blinking your eyes, sucking, and swallowing. You've also started to accumulate some fat on your body, which will make your skin less translucent. We got to hear your heartbeat again this week at the Dr's office and of course it was breath-taking. It was so much louder than last visit, most likely because your heart, along with you, has grown quite a bit in the past month. Because your daddy and I absolutely love to hear your heart beat, I decided to go out on a limb after our Dr's appointment. I rented an at-home fetal heart Doppler so we can hear your heartbeat whenever we want. I would have bought one, but renting one at $25 a month is better than buying one for $450. It is supposed to arrive at our home in 4 days from today, so I am very eager to try it out. I will have your daddy tape it so I can post it here on our blog.

I'm sure that you've felt mommy's stress as she has had to take care of both your sick daddy and your sick sister this week. Your daddy came down with what his Dr. referred to as Walking Pneumonia and Ava had a UTI. Some antibiotics and rest for both of them did good. One thing that I will always do is take care of you when you are sick. Whether it's rubbing your tummy, giving you medicine, getting you Popsicles, or making you chicken noodle soup, I will always be there for you when you need me. I am sure daddy would agree with that as well. One of the most important times in both of our lives was when our mommys (and daddys) were always there for us when we were sick. We can only hope that our presence and love will comfort you as much as our parents comforted us.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

All About Us

Spring has sprung! We have been taking advantage of the euphoria that Spring has brought to us. We were able to run our first 5K outside since October, we've grilled out, and we've done some Spring cleaning. I have felt my energy creeping back all week. I'm not sure if it's the warmer weather or the stage in pregnancy that has got me on my feet again, but whatever it is I like it! Jason has had a bittersweet week when it comes to his beloved Dayton Flyers. They made it into the top 32, but lost against Kansas for a spot in the sweet sixteen. He seems to be handling it well, though.

Earlier this week, Jason and I attended a maternity ward tour of the hospital where our baby is going to be born, Good Samaritan. It was quite surreal to think that the next time we would be there would be when our baby is about to arrive. We know where to park, we know what door to use to enter the hospital, and we know what floor we need to go to. It was emotional for me, of course, and I teared up a couple of times, especially when I saw the birthing room (pic below). I have every intention of going through labor and delivery unmedicated, especially since I have such a motivating partner with me. It is just reassuring to know that if I can't handle the pain, the hospital will be equipped with everything I will need to make it through. The hospital also has a Level 3 NICU, which is always prefaced with, "God forbid you will ever need to use it, but..." This means that the hospital has everything that is needed to handle any health situation involving a newborn. We left this hospital knowing that we are going to be in very good hands.

Holy Guacamole!

Did I feel you move today? I could have sworn that when I took a rest after cleaning, I felt you move below my belly button on the right side of my abdomen. If it was you, thank you! Daddy was happy, too. It just makes it so much more real for us to feel you actually moving around down there. You are getting bigger, which would explain why I may be able to feel you move every once in a while. You are the size of an avocado, weighing in at 3.5 oz and measuring nearly 5 inches. Your taste buds are forming, and I'm sure they will learn to love pasta and meatballs as much as your mommy and daddy do. Also, something awesome this week, you can totally hear us now! I have been making an effort to sing to you and daddy has been talking to you in that silly voice of his. It's very special, this voice of daddy's, because he wouldn't dare let anyone else hear it. It's our own little special piece of daddy! I apologize for how much barking you hear from Ava and Angelo. I have to wonder if their barking or me yelling at them for barking is worse for you to hear. I'm sure neither of them are the sweet sounds you would like to be hearing. Daddy and I have been working hard to make this house a perfect place for you to come home to. It's official - our house won't be a home until you arrive.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

15 Weeks

All About Us

Something that I noticed this week is that women love to tell stories. Women like to tell stories about their jobs, their families, their friends, their animals, their health - the list goes on. The more women I tell about our little one, the more stories I hear. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate the stories about how long Barb was in labor, how many C-sections Mel had, or that Sally couldn't stand the smell of her spice cabinet throughout her entire pregnancy. I'm simply stating that I have noticed that women love to talk about their pregnancy and birth stories. It's almost like once you go through it yourself, you've earned the right to tell your stories as many times to as many people as you see fit. I feel that through these women's stories, they are able to relive the best moments of their lives. Even as they tell of the sleepless nights, the utter sickness, and the painful delivery, their eyes light up and ear-to-ear smiles appear on their faces. I can only imagine how happy I will be when it is time for me to tell our story. And luckily for us, our story will live on as long as the internet does.

Orange You a Cute Little Thing?!

Hi baby! Amazlingly, you are the size of a naval orange. You are an active little one with the way you've been moving around - kicking, making fists, curling your toes, oh and not to forget, breathing! You've been holding steady with mommy as we run those 5ks every week. Daddy walks by our treadmill and cheers us on every step of the way. Daddy has begun reading his book, The Expectant Father. He likes telling mommy what he's learned. I'm pretty sure we've got your name and it will only be another 5 short weeks until we can start calling you by it. This coming week, Daddy and I get to go on a tour of the hospital and room where you will be born. I will be sure to tell you all about it. Until next time, your mommy and daddy love you dearly little one.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Flawless Fourteenth Week

All About Us

The only notable news about this week is that our little one is going to have not one, but TWO cousins both born in the same month that he/she will be...more details to follow in coming weeks! We couldn't be more thrilled!!

When Life Throws You Lemons...

...put them in your belly and make a baby! You are the size of a lemon this week. You are a little thumb-sucking, summer-salting fetus. Your movements have begun to be more controlled and less spontaneous. I would like to say that I could feel you move, but every sensation I feel can be chalked up to my familiar friend, gas. You are growing hair all over - your head, your eyebrows, and your entire body. You've become a little fur ball! Speaking of fur balls, I wanted to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to your older brother and sisters. Some may say that mommy and daddy's love for these guys will fade as soon as you arrive, but we can't imagine not loving them like they are our own babies.

First is Sophia, the kitty. You will notice that Sophia is very dog-like. Some might even refer to her as a catdog (that one is for Ashley & Chris). She cuddles up with the puppies and even bathes them with her tongue. She sleeps in the dog cage when they are not in it and begs for your attention as if she is a canine. She likes to get into odd places to sleep - boxes, bookshelves, laundry baskets - the list is never-ending. Whenever you are sleeping in your bed, we will have to make sure that the door is closed, because Sophia will most likely try to get into the crib and cuddle up with you. She is the queen of the animals in this household. It is very evident that she rules the roost.

Next up is Ava. Ava is a mommy's girl - she follows me around everywhere and whines when I leave. She is only happy and content when she is right next to me. She is as sweet as can be and is really tolerable of children. It's almost as if she knows she is so cute and squishy, which leads little kids to go crazy over her. Her cousin, Alexis, has poked, prodded, squished, and squeezed her. Ava has never once showed disdain or agony over this - she tolerates it with pride. Ava will most likely be your protector, as she was for baby Isaac when he came to visit. She may try to lick you, but mostly she will just want to lay by you to protect you. "Protect me from whom?", you may ask. That "whom" would be Angelo.

Angelo is going to have quite a culture shock when you arrive. Our big boy is used to getting all the attention, which is why he is mostly referred to as the "attention hog." If our attention is on Ava or Sophia and not him, he lets us know that this is not acceptable. The couple of times that Isaac has come to visit, Angelo has been nothing less than a nuisance. He will attempt to lick the skin off of you and when you cry, he will bark. Daddy and I joke that we will have to get the Dog Whisperer to come over once you get here to sort through all of Angelo's issues. Once Angelo gets used to you, you will love his happy disposition. He is always wagging his tail and smiling. You will also love the smell of his Dorito paws.

The point of these introductions is to let it be known that our desire to have children can be traced back to these three. We have so much love for these animals, our hearts knew that we could have just as much, if not more for our own children. While we understand that there is a definite species difference between you, the basic layer remains - Unconditional love. Our cups runneth over...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome to Week 13 and The Second Trimester!

All About Us

I've decided that I would like to bring Will Ferrell with me every where I go. When things get stressful, he can help everyone break out in a Spartan cheer to lighten the mood. At least that's what he's done here in our home tonight. As you know, Jason has been working tirelessly on tiling the floor. As everything was put back in place and all was like it was, the toilet started leaking. This toilet has been what I like to refer to as a big, fat pimple that won't go away (believe me, I know). Jason keeps fixing it (all new insides, new bolts, new wax ring, new shut-off valve) but there is a new layer of problems after each fix is made. What do you do for a man who wants to fix everything, but has exhausted all of his options? I've found that if you listen to him, feed him, do his laundry, and give him Will Ferrell, everything will work out in the end. Toilets will fix themselves. And if not, you can always dig a hole in the backyard.

Take a look at this masterpiece! Our new foyer and powder room look amazing, thanks to my handy husband. I must admit, I had the fabulous job of peeling off the wallpaper border. Note to self - never, ever wallpaper anything. If you could see a before picture, you would notice these differences - new paint, new vanity, new faucet, new vanity top, and most important - new floor!

Our Doctor's appointment this week was everything I had imagined it would be. My vitals were checked and were good. I have only gained 3 pounds thus far, which is a rate I want to continue. I would like to average 4 pounds in 4 weeks * 6 more months = about 24 pounds of total baby weight gain. Of course, this is figuring that I don't keep eating nachos and cheese and that I keep on exercising 3-4 times a week. Speaking of exercising, I have gotten the OK from the Dr. to run the 5K in May - Hooray! She said I could keep running until I deliver. While that would be nice, I am not ignorant to the fact of reality. There may come a point where I won't be able to see my feet, let alone run with them. Another great thing about the appointment was hearing the heartbeat! The sound of baby's heartbeat reduced us to nothing less than tears. Of course, they were tears of joy, especially since the Dr. said the heartbeat was good and strong. We weren't able to tape it because baby kept playing hide and seek, so the Dr. kept losing the heartbeat. She assured us that at the next visit, we will be able to hear it for longer because baby won't have as much room to hide. So our next appointment is set for March 25th. At this appointment, I'll be getting my blood taken for an elective screening that will test for Down Syndrome and other genetic disorders. Also, we will be making our ultrasound appointment where we will find out what gender the baby is. OK, who wants to start the betting pool? I can give you a full list of my typical boy symptoms and typical girls symptoms. The winner gets to name the baby (OK, not really, but I thought I would try to sweeten the pot).

Everything is Peachy!

I've got some juicy news - you are now the size of a peach! You are 3 inches long and your intestines (which have been housed in the umbilical cord) are now making their way to their rightful place - your abdomen. Your vocal chords have begun to develop and I'm sure they will be used for beautiful singing and nice words. I can't imagine that you will ever use them for evil - such as crying non-stop or telling me or Daddy that you hate us (gotta love teenagers). You are now visible in my tummy. You have begun to pouch me out - so much so that I had to make a special trip this weekend to get some maternity pants. Thank God for the Gap Clearance Outlet! You have been hearing Daddy talk to you a lot more lately. Don't worry, he doesn't always talk in that goofy voice. The three of us have successfully made it together into the 2nd trimester. You have accomplished so many milestones already in these first 3 months. We are so proud of you!