Sunday, February 22, 2009

12 Weeks and Counting

All About Us

It is finally here - take a look to the left and you will see the boy name list. We need your input so vote away!

This week has been quite normal. Stressful at work for the both of us but, nonetheless, normal. Jason accomplished quite a goal - he completely finished tiling the kitchen in a matter of 2 days. He worked non-stop on his only day off this week, Wednesday. By Thursday night, the tile grout was drying and waiting for my finishing touch of sealing the grout. The baseboards were nailed and the appliances were moved back in on Saturday. Sunday, I was able to use my stove after it was out of commission for 4 days. I chose to make the only meal worth indoctrinating our new kitchen - pasta and meatballs. There are still 2 projects left to do in the kitchen - new counter tops and new cabinets. Once these are complete, I will post a picture of the renovation. Here, I have posted the renovation of our upstairs bathroom. I have no before picture, so only those who have seen it before can truly appreciate how much work Jason (and my dad) put into it. One last final home improvement note - the windows were trimmed and finished today. They look AMAZING! And, we can actually open them to get some fresh air - hooray!

This blog is intended for many purposes. One of those purposes is to educate and inform other pregnant women. I want my experiences to reassure someone else that they are not alone, that other women go through these somewhat strange pregnancy symptoms, too. This is why I have decided to post this most horrid picture of myself. As you can see, about every square inch of my face is sporting a nice, red blemish (go ahead, click on the image to enlarge it. I dare you!). I kind of thought it might be a good idea to post this picture in high schools for an effective birth control method. I've been to a dermatologist and told that there is basically nothing that can be done. I was given some topical ointment that hasn't worked and a prescription for an antibiotic that I have to show the baby doctor before I can get it filled. This is why I believe that pregnancy should only come with maturity. I was reminiscing with my friend, Kristen, the other day about how I wouldn't go out in college on the weekends if I had one zit. I obviously have no choice to show my face to the outside world at this point in my life, but I don't really care. There is just one person who I am interested in impressing and he loves me, zits and all. Thanks honey!

One more important event to mention this week is Ava's 4th birthday. I am ashamed to admit it, but her birthday was actually February 15th. Jason and I had talked about it up until the day before. Then for some reason, the day of, it slipped our minds. And it continued to slip our minds until yesterday, when we finally were able to celebrate it. I have a feeling that Ava is not going to hold it against us. I told her it was only fair since we forgot Angelo's birthday last year as well. Hopefully this is not a glimpse into how we are going to be as parents - that we are going to get so wrapped up in our lives that we forget about what's most important, our babies. I think this was a big wake up call for us, dog or no dog! We pledge to remember every birthday from now until the end! Speaking of birthdays, there's one I just can't wait to celebrate...

I Spy Something Purple

There is something I must clear up before I talk about how you have grown this past week. Last week, you were compared to a lime. I have since realized that it had to have been a key lime, as a plum almost seems smaller than a normal-sized lime. Speaking of a plum, a large plum I might add, you are now 2 1/2 inches in length and weigh 1/2 an ounce. It's hard to believe that you will weigh 6-8 pounds upon delivery! Your major systems are basically formed now, with only maturing to do. Your digestive track is practicing the release of, well, poop, your bone marrow is producing white blood cells to fight off infections and your pituitary gland has started producing hormones so you can have babies, too, one day.

This coming Wednesday, your daddy and I will have one of the greatest days of our lives. We are going to the doctor to hear your heartbeat for the first time, little one! I just can't even imagine how it will sound or how I will feel when I hear those first thump, thumps. I'm going to have daddy use the video function on our camera to record this special moment so we can share it with you. At this appointment, I am hopefully going to get permission from our doctor to train for the Flying Pig 5K at the beginning of May. As I was running the last mile of a 5K this past Saturday, the idea hit me. I will be a couple weeks past 20 weeks at that point, which is when I am apparently supposed to start taming down my workouts to biking or walking. If it means keeping you safe, I will obviously not partake in it. But I thought it would be a miraculous moment when daddy, me AND you would cross that finish line. It would prove that pregnant women can be active - that they don't have to sit around and eat pickles and ice cream all day, crying as they watch one depressing movie after another. If there is any life lesson that your daddy and I will teach you, it is that you can do anything to which you set your heart. Daddy and I proved that when we made you.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

11 Weeks of Heaven

All About Us

As I sit here and ponder over this past weeks' ongoings, I am now understanding why I am so exhausted tonight. We have had a very busy week, starting first with the Dayton Flyers basketball game on Wednesday night. Many members of Jason's family have season tickets and a couple of them couldn't be at the game on Wednesday. Upsetting for them, but a gift from God for Jason. He loves the Flyers and they happened to be playing their biggest rival, Xavier, that night. He talked me into going (I'm not a huge basketball fan) as well as his friend, Mike. The game was exciting, with Dayton up in points almost the entire game. Jason was in his element. I was too as I munched on my nachos with jalapenos. Dayton ended up winning and Jason was so happy. Even though I'm not a Dayton fan, it was so satisfying to see my husband so happy that he was glowing. As the wind blew us home, a thought occurred to me - I have my appetite back! As long as I keep my tummy full, I have not been getting sick. My appetite is not only back, it is voracious. That night along with my nachos, I had to stop and get a 6-inch chicken sub from Subway. That moment alone made my entire week.

Moving onward, this weekend has proven to be a non-stop home improvement whirlwind. My mom and dad came into town on Friday to help Jason and I with tiling our home. We are tiling our two bathrooms, our foyer, and our kitchen. Jason and Tony worked tirelessly for 1 1/2 days and finished the upstairs bathroom completely. Tony also assisted us in installing a new light fixture. The room looks amazing! In addition to the tile work, our windows were getting replaced. Our previous windows were older than Jason and I - the seals and balances were broke, the aluminum was warped, and our heat pump was working almost 24/7. We thought it would be a good time to have them all replaced - including our sliding glass doors. As of now, they only have the 2 bedrooms left to do. I can already feel that the new doors and window are already providing more insulation.

We didn't forget that it was Valentine's Day, despite the non-stop work. We went out to Maggianos Little Italy and had a much-deserved, fabulous Italian meal. Before the meal, we had mom take a picture of mommy and daddy and the emerging baby bump. I am now using the rubber-band method of holding my pants up, as my buttons are just not able to close. I never thought I would get so excited to see that my pants no longer fit!

You Put the Lime in the Coconut...

No wonder why mommy is having trouble fitting into her jeans - you are the size of a lime! Your hair and nails are forming. Daddy and I are hoping that you are blessed with my fullness of hair and his curly hair. Your little toes and fingers don't look so much like duck's feet now - they have separated and are no longer webbed. If you are a girl, your ovaries have begun developing.

I thought you might be excited to know that Daddy and I got your crib and changing table. The way we acquired it made it meant-to-be. Mommy absolutely fell in love with the crib from the moment I saw it, which was 10 days ago. Since it was a store that was going out of business, I knew that we had to act fast. However, I needed your Daddy's, Grandmom's, and Grandpa's opinion on it before the purchase was made. Thankfully, there was still 1 set in the box left and everyone agreed that it was perfect. The maker is Bonavita and the collection is Sheffield. It's quite reassuring that it is also a Consumer's Digest Best Buy. It is a beautiful, sturdy pine that will hopefully be able to be passed down to your brothers and sisters. I am hoping it will stay in our family forever. The changing table/dresser is just as well-built and beautiful. I cannot wait to put you in it with your froggy bedding for the first time! I thought I would attach a picture for you to see. We are almost out of the 1st trimester my love. I am trying to savor the miracle that is pregnancy, but I just can't help pining for the moment when I will get to hold you for the first time.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

10 Things About Week 10

All About Us

1. We have been asked a lot lately if we have any names picked out, if we are going to find out what the sex is, etc. I definitely wanted to find the sex out as soon as I found out we were expecting, but Jason wants it to be a surprise. Through all of the painful and uncomfortable symptoms I am having, one of the things that keeps me going is a count down to when we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Unfortunately for Jason, when I find out the sex, it is most definite that he will know as well. Slowly, I think he is beginning to accept this reality. As far as names go, we agree on names just about as much as Obama and McCain agreed on political issues. I'm for nontraditional names like Giada and Rocco, and Jason likes the more "popular" names like Emma and Blake. We have 8 weeks until we find out what we are having, so I'm optimistic that we will be able to meet half-way (or better yet, he will succumb to the pressure from me and agree to my nontraditional names!). Since Jason and I have different last names, the baby will get both of our names, but my last name will be one of his/her middle names. Vote for your favorite in the upper left hand corner of this page. The boys names will follow!

2. I've found a furry little friend in nature's laxative, the Kiwi fruit. The best cure for fatigue, constipation, and nausea is to get moving. When I exercise, I find that my symptoms decrease significantly.

3. My oldest sister, Jen, has offered to give us a bunch of baby items like a car seat, stroller, crib mattress, breast pump, maternity clothes, and other items. This is such a big relief, as we do not want to rely on other people to buy these things for us, so it is a list of things that we don't have to buy ourselves. Thank you Jen (and Lexi)!!

4. I haven't gained any weight yet. In fact, I've lost some. I am not worried, but relieved. Baby only has tiny nutritional needs at this point, so I'm not focused on eating more than normal. I don't think I could if I wanted to. I am hoping to gain no more than 20-25 pounds during the entire pregnancy. The more I exercise and watch what I eat, the more easy it will be to take it off once baby gets here.

5. Jason and I made our first baby purchase this week! A baby store close to us is going out of business, so we went to check out the sales. We fell in love with this bedding set - it has all of the crib bedding, a diaper stacker, wall hangings, a musical moving mobile, and a hamper. Best of all, we got $100 off! The main colors are green, yellow, and blue and it has froggies and turtles on it. So cute!

A Prune?

6. Baby is now the size of a prune...yes, a prune. I am not happy with the comparison to a geriatric favorite, but I understand the need to keep within the produce theme.

7. You are 1.5 inches in length! Compare an Appleseed to a prune and you have grown a lot in the past 5 weeks.

8. Your aunt Kristi will appreciate this one - your bones and cartilage are forming now. Your little knees and ankles are forming so you can develop into that great athlete that I know you are going to be! Also, your elbows are forming. Hopefully you don't drop the elbow on me while you're in my tummy!

9. Your baby teeth are forming under your gums, your stomach is producing digestive juices, and your kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine. You are almost a fully, functioning human being at the gestational age of 10 weeks!

10. Something your daddy will appreciate - if you are a boy, your testes have begun producing testosterone. Boys will be boys!

I hope you enjoyed our list! We are 1/4 of the way through!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Doin' Fine in Week Nine

All About Us

I must not hold back my current feelings. HERE WE GO STILL'RS, HERE WE GO! The Pittsburgh Steelers just won their 2nd Superbowl in 4 years and I am ecstatic. Jason and I chose to stay home by ourselves to watch this game, as I haven't been feeling well lately. I wouldn't have rather been anywhere else. My husband, a die-hard Bengals fan, hung up his Boomer jersey and cheered with me through the entire game. He was just as nervous as I was in the 4th quarter when the Steelers were down by 3. Picture me in my Big Ben jersey clutching my terrible towel and Jason on the edge of his seat. Then finally, Ben hit Santonio and the rest is history. I feel extremely connected to the Steelers since Ben has been quarterback because he is from Ohio and he is our age. He is the man! God bless him and the Pittsburgh Still'rs!!
Moving on, this week has been anything but ordinary. First of all, Cincinnati had its most intense winter storm since I have lived here. 6 inches of snow followed by 1 inch of ice topped off with another 4 inches of snow. I was happily left jobless for 2 days out of the week. While I was getting a little stir-crazy after the 2nd day, I was happy to have extra time to spend with my husband. Since he runs a health club, he really didn't get time off because he was the one calling all the shots. The puppies were not happy about the snow and ice which is why they made their potty trips outside super-fast. Many trees in our backyard were weighed down with the snow and ice. One large branch almost went through our bedroom window. Jason got out his big guns and tore the branch down so it wouldn't beat against the window and keep me up for the 2nd night in a row. My car got stuck once in our parking lot and Jason and a mysterious man pushed me out. Other than that, it was quite beautiful. The next day when the sun came out, the picture of the sun glistening on the iced tree branches was breath-taking.

Another interesting factoid this week was that we actually got to see a Doctor on Friday. Woohoo! I decided to call around and get an idea of when other practice's Doctors like to see their pregnant patients. Well, it turns out 12 weeks is not the standard norm. I spoke with a woman from a practice called For Women. This practice is made up of 7 women OB/GYNs and they would prefer to see their patients starting at 8 weeks. I was quick to jump on the first available appointment, which was the next day. Jason was a little hesitant, being that he is not one for change. He knew, however, that I would feel much more relieved to actually see a doctor. So onward we went to our first, real, Dr's appointment. Much care was taken with us - we were treated like real people and were congratulated. Then the Dr. came and talked with us and answered all of our questions. Yes, I can still keep dying my hair; No, it won't hurt the baby if Angelo steps on my abdomen; Yes, I can continue exercising as much as I was before I got pregnant. She didn't put any constraints on how high my heart rate could get. Best of all, she did a pelvic exam on me and said that everything is as it should be - uterus is growing and cervix is closed. I felt like we left a new couple. We were more relaxed and excited about the future. Our scary-time (miscarriage likeliness) is getting shorter and shorter. We were assured that at the next appointment, on February 25, we would get to hear our baby's heartbeat. The thought of that brought tears to my eyes.
I know that this is getting rather lengthy, but I thought I would share how I am actually feeling. I have been getting ill at night, usually starting around 4 or 5 o'clock. Trying to fend off vomiting, I have been heading for bed around 9:30 every night. I wake up and I feel fine - not great, but fine. Nausea has been one of my biggest perils during this pregnancy. That is, until a case of chicken pox hit me. OK, I don't really have chicken pox, but I have so much acne people look at me and think I'm in junior high. Also, as I'm moving along in my pregnancy I feel like I have had a couple situations in which I can provide advice to other women who may be in my shoes. For instance, if you find that things aren't "moving along" as quickly as you would like, don't couple Taco Bell with a Stool Softener. You may find yourself on the toilet at 2 a.m. for a half-an-hour.
Olive You!

Hey buddy, you are now the size of a medium olive! I don't really see much size difference from a large raspberry to a medium green olive. You are now a full inch in length and have moved from being referred to as an embryo to a fetus. Your brain keeps developing like crazy and tiny muscles are beginning to form. Apparently, I will be able to feel movements from you in just another month.
Like I wrote earlier, your Daddy and I will be able to hear your heartbeat at our next Dr's visit. I want you to know that this will be the best day of our lives - that is, until you are born. Hearing your heartbeat will make it extremely real for us. You haven't grown so much that people can actually tell that you are in my belly, so it's still hard to believe that there is a human growing inside of me. You have given me a lot of pregnancy symptoms, though, but I promise you I won't hold that against you later in life. You are the light in our eyes already. Daddy says he loves you!