Sunday, July 26, 2009

34 Weeks - Vote for Lidia's Arrival Date to the Left!

All About Us

I'm naked! No, it's not what you think. I am pretty sure I can no longer wear my wedding rings. I wasn't able to fit them on comfortably all day today. When I squeezed them on, it was extremely difficult to get them off. I'm not sure if I like the idea of going the next 6 weeks without my rings. I may have to go purchase a cheap ring somewhere just to wear in the mean time. I will try again tomorrow, but I'm not very hopeful. My toes also look like Vienna sausages. And I definitely can say I am now the proud owner of cankles. The swelling has begun!

Jason and I are sure glad this week is over. It has been one hectic day followed by another. We had a little scare on Tuesday and the doctor wanted to see us immediately to rule out pre-term labor. Everything checked out perfectly, though, so we are good to go! This little girl is getting bigger and bigger, which makes us very happy. The only bad thing about this is that I have to go potty constantly. At mass today, I had to use the bathroom twice. Speaking of going potty, I thought I might have had to go in a bottle in the car this week. Jason was nice enough to drive me to a national conference in Louisville, KY that I presented at this past Wednesday. On our way there, it took us 3 + hours when it should of only taken us 1 and 1/2. We were stopped in traffic two times for accidents. Luckily, we ended up getting there about 20 minutes before it was time for me to do my presentation, thank God! I knew that after this past Saturday was over, we would be smooth sailing for awhile. Jason and I both had to work - me, unfortunately for 11 hours. But no more Saturday work for me until I go back to work after Lidia is born - yay!

We're Ready!

Hi sweet pea. We are soooo ready for you! Look at your room - it's just waiting for you to arrive. And you will be happy to know that mommy read an extremely comforting article today that said babies born between 34 and 37 weeks will be just as healthy as full-term babies. These babies may need some extra time in the hospital and may have some minor health issues, but all in all they will be A. O.K.! Not to say that we'd want you to come sooner than 37 weeks, but if it would happen we can all rest assured that you will be just as perfect as ever. It's just so hard to believe that if you are to go full term, we only have 6 more weeks left to wait. 6 WEEKS!! Daddy keeps wanting to pack the suitcase for the hospital and I think I may actually let him now.

I really notice you noticing your surroundings lately. Angelo barked two times in the middle of the night last night and both times you moved your 5 1/2 pound frame all around. When me or daddy talk directly to you and rub my tummy, you move as well. I am so excited to get my hands on you and kiss you non-stop!

Here is a picture to show you what life will be like when you enter this world. We love to cuddle!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

33 Weeks - 7 To Go!

All About Us

How far along are you? When are you due? How long do you have left? Do you know what you're having? Do you have a name for her? Is your nursery done? Those are a few of the many questions that I have been asked in the last couple weeks, and questions that most pregnant women at this point will get. I am guessing these questions are more prevalent in this stage in pregnancy because it is OH so obvious that there is a baby in there. For those of you who haven't reached this point, I have one piece of advise - Answer all questions with a smile on your face :) Though this may seem easy to do, as us pregnant ladies are always willing to take time out to talk about our babies, after the fifth time a question is asked in a day it gets to be a little too much. When you're in a job where you encounter many different people each day, chances are you will be asked these questions over and over again. The askers of these questions expect you to smile and gush over the fact that they are taking time to notice you and your "condition." So please, give the people what they want. If not, they may talk behind your back about how the pregnancy "hormones" must be getting to you. Or, you may choose to use humor in these situations by answering the question, "How far along are you?" with "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about." My favorite was when a worker at Subway asked me "How long?" and I replied by saying, "A foot long, please." Apparently, he wasn't inquiring about my sub size, but my tummy size.
Honeydew List

Your list of amazing acts inside the womb is getting longer and longer. You have recently grown quite fond of hiccuping at least once a day. This is so neat to feel! Sometimes you hiccup so hard that I think it startles you and you move all around. Speaking of moving, your increasing growth has not slowed down your movement in the least. I cannot believe that you are nearly 5 pounds! You move around for hours at a time, many times a day. Every time you move around, it makes me the happiest person on this earth. Your movement alone is enough to make what could be a horrible day an especially pleasant one. And I'm not the only one who benefits from your movement - daddy does as well. When he talks to you and puts his hand on my tummy, you move around like crazy. I can tell that you are already a daddy's girl! I can't determine right now if you are head up or head down, but I will be sure to ask the doctor this week. Just as long as you are head down around 36 weeks, your mommy and daddy will not worry.

Do you like to hear your fishie at night? Your great-grandma and great aunts got you this musical fish that your daddy and I absolutely love. We play it for you each night before we go to sleep. Hopefully it will be a very comforting sound to you when you enter this world.

Some very exciting news for you this week - you will be getting another cousin in March! Congratulations to Terri and Dave!!

Lidia Louise, how sweet it is to dream of you as your daddy and I do every second of everyday. Even without yet holding you in our arms, you make our hearts whole and our smiles never-ending. Goodnight my dear - I will feel you when we wake!

Friday, July 10, 2009

32 weeks = 8 MONTHS!

All About Us

I am going to spend the first paragraph of this blog merely praising God for answering my family's prayers this week. Because I believe that my sister would not appreciate much detail and attention to this situation, I am going to simply say thank you Lord for keeping Kristi and baby Venuti safe and sound. I am eagerly waiting to meet baby Venuti when he/she is scheduled to arrive!

Jason and I had a very baby related week. On Tuesday, we had our first childbirth class. We didn't talk about childbirth, though. The whole class was focused on mom and baby nutrition. Needless to say, I caught Jason dozing off a couple times. The most exciting part of the class was being able to see women who are at the same stage in pregnancy as I am. It is so neat to see how each woman carries her baby differently. And I found that many of these women had the same cravings as I do - spicy food, ice cream, cheese, and Trader Joe's Raisin Bran. We have 6 weeks of classes to go and Jason and I can't wait to get to the good stuff - preparation for childbirth!

We chose this series of classes because they are focused on those who are wanting to have an unmedicated birth. Being able to go through this experience without the use of induction drugs or an epidural would mean the world to me, Jason, and Lidia. It would be the single-most important goal we could ever meet. At our Doctor's appointment this week, I was able to talk to the Dr. about this wish of ours. She asked me if my mother had natural, unmediated births and I responded proudly by saying she had four. The doctor said if my body type is similar to my mother's, which it is, it is highly likely that I will be able to do the same. She also recommended that my mother be with me and Jason during labor and delivery since she has been through four successful unmedicated births herself. So, what do you say mama? The reality is that it would probably take her and my dad at least 5 hours to get down here and by then, baby Lidia might have already come. Jason and I are going to be like sponges in these classes and soak up all the information we need to know about natural pain relief. I will still have an open mind about the whole process because I know that you can't always predict how the baby is going to perform. Our next Dr.'s appointment is now only 2 weeks away - something that is very reassuring to me. I like to get confirmation from the Dr. that everything is as it should be - that Ms. Lidia is perfect.

As this pregnancy moves onto the 8th month, I am trying my hardest to stay normal and active. I am extremely exhausted and my back pains are almost enough to drive me crazy. Laying down too long is painful - as is sitting, standing, and walking. As you can assume, the ability to find a comfortable position has become the focus of most of my days. It's affecting Jason as well because he has to massage my back frequently - so much so that his hands are actually sore. I think I may have to invest in an actual licensed massage therapist so I don't drive Jason away (I also might want to invest in some beano and gasx, too)!
Also, I am getting extremely full with small amounts of food lately. This could be because our little girl and all of her components are resting against my stomach. This has been quite a shock for many who are aware of how much I used to eat. It makes me very conscious of everything I am putting in my mouth, as dear Lidia would appreciate me getting full on chicken and broccoli rather than ice cream sandwiches and cheetos. I can hardly believe I feel this way and we have 8 weeks left!

It's very exciting that my belly is getting big and my baby is moving almost non-stop. The one annoying thing about having a pregnant belly is having people that want to touch it all the time. One day this week, a woman at work saw me and ran over to me to rub my belly. She said she was having a bad week and needed to rub my belly for luck. I quickly shot back by smiling and saying, "I am not Buddha!" I don't mind when people ask my permission to touch my belly or when close family members touch my belly, but I find it very annoying when some people - acquaintances and perfect strangers - just think they have the right to touch my belly. I'm going to make a new shirt that says, "Hands Off the Belly!"

Ouch that Hurt!

Lidia, you can pack quite a punch or kick! A little bit ago, you hit my ribs so hard that I screamed out in pain. Daddy thought I was having a contraction and that we needed to go to the hospital (a little too soon for that). It was reassuring to him to find out that you were only beating up your dear mother who has been carrying you selflessly for the past 8 months. I read where your kicks and punches are going to be felt more strongly now because your over 4 pound frame is running out of room and amniotic fluid to cushion those blows. Just promise me that you won't do that when I'm in an important meeting!

Other than your weight and your brain, you are also growing in length. You are a whopping 19 inches now from head to tow. Daddy asked if you would be squirming around and kicking your legs when you are first born since you are so squished in my belly right now. I assume you will be, but I haven't ever seen a newborn baby before so who knows! You are no longer translucent because of the fat that has been accumulating on your body. Also, your finger and toe nails are now filling the beds of your nails.

Well, our love, it is now 8 short weeks until we meet. I have no doubt that it will be the best day of our lives. Keep dreaming and kicking girl. All the pain is worth the day when we will finally be able to see you, hold you, and kiss you. We love you, Lidia!

PS - not sure why the date and time are off on this blog. It was posted on July 12, 2009 at 11:oo p.m.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

31 Weeks - Happy 4th of July!

All About Us

Major headache + amazing weekend with the Danzo family + pure exhaustion = Writer's block. Enjoy the pictures!

Little Liddie Lou
This is your new nickname - we hope you like it! It sounds like a character from a Dr. Seuss book, doesn't it? Your brain is developing as rapidly as ever this week. You can perceive so many sensations now like light and sound. Your 5 senses are all in working order now, thanks to the thousands of connections in your brain that have been forming over the last couple of weeks. You have currently been moving around in my belly for the past two hours and have shown no signs of stopping. It is amazing to think that you are now sleeping and waking like an actual newborn. I can definitely tell when you are in these sleep and wake cycles. Luckily for me, the sleep periods are when I am sleeping, too! And speaking of sleep, it is something mommy needs to get a lot of tonight - starting now. I will see you in my dreams my love!